

About the Industrial Communication Explorer

The Industrial Communication Explorer is an accompanying tool for developers of the SoM/iRJ45 device and assists in developing applications. The Device Manager provides the following functionalities:

  • Scanning for devices in the network (device detection)

  • Reading and writing the configuration of a device via the ConfigManager

  • Reading and resetting the device log

  • Reading and resetting the exception log

  • Updating the firmware of the device

  • PROFINET RT Master Simulator: allows to establish a PROFINET RT connection and exchange I/O data with the device

  • EtherNet/IP Scanner Simulator: allows to establish an EtherNet/IP connection and exchange I/O data with device

  • EtherCAT Master Simulator: allows exchange of I/O data, reading and writing the object dictionary, cycle through the EtherCAT state machine and writing the EEPROM

  • Creating snapshots of the device: Reads the current configuration, the log data and the exception data which can be examined for debugging purposes. The data can then be exported and imported to and from a file.

The tool is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS operating systems.

Open Source Components

The EtherCAT master is based on the open source EtherCAT master called PySOEM. The source code for PySOEM and the proxy program is available for free upon request. Please contact support@port.de for further details.

How to read this documents

Special information giving hints to avoid common pitfalls when using the Industrial Communication Explorer

Special information to prevent malfunction of the software or that require special attention of the user.

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