EtherNet/IP Master

EtherNet/IP Master

The EtherNet/IP Master provides the implementation of an EtherNet/IP scanner that can exchange I/O data with the iRJ45 device using a class 1 connection. The EtherNet/IP Master consists of two tabs which can be selected at the bottom of the view.

The Device Commands tab allows to identify the device as an EtherNet/IP adapter and reads basic information about the device.

The I/O Data tab setup and establish a class 1 connection with the device.

Device Commands 

To work with the iRJ45 device using EtherNet/IP first scan the device by clicking on ”Scan device” in the Device Commands tab. This will open the EtherNet/IP network scan dialog.

The master sends ListIdentity packets to the network and reports the total number of devices that replied to the request. By clicking on “OK” the master will check whether the device also reported to the request and then display the according device data. 


The I/O tab allows to setup and establish a class 1 I/O connection the device.

The I/O tab is split into four different sections:

  • Connection Parameter OàT: Parameters for the connection between the master (Originator or short O) and the slave (Target, short T). These parameters define to which output assembly to connect and define the parameters of that assembly.

  • Connection Parameter TàO: Parameters for the connection between the slave (Target, short T) and the master (Originator or short O). These parameters define to which input assembly to connect and define the parameters of that assembly.

  • Config Assembly Parameters: Parameters for the configuration assembly to use. These parameters describe which config assembly to use and which data is to be sent to that assembly for configuration.

  • I/O Data OàT: Output data send from the master to the slave

  • I/O Data TàO: Input data received by the master from the slave

After setting up the parameters, the connection can be established by clicking on “Connect”. When the connection is established, the input data received from the slave is shown in the I/O Data TàO section. Output data can be set in the I/O Data OàT section. To edit a value, click in the data field, edit the data and then click “Apply”. To enable/disable the Run/Idle bit, check or uncheck the “Enable run” field.

To close the connection, click “Disconnect”.

Please make sure that the used interface, which is connected to the device, do not have multiple IP addresses. Otherweise the connection will be terminated.

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