Device Log

Device Log

The Device Log provides the possibility to read the log messages of the device:

To start reading the log of a device, select the device in the Network Navigator and click on “Start reading log”. The Device Log will then start to read log data from the current index in the device.

To start reading at the beginning of the log, select the device to read from and click on “Reset log index” before selecting “Start reading log”.

The different log messages are shown in a table consisting of the following columns:

  • Severity: The severity of the message. See Table 3 for possible severity values

  • Timestamp: The time when the log message occurred in seconds since boot of the device

  • Module: The software module the issues the log message.

  • Source: The source of the message. Can be either CC (Communication Controller, the iRJ45 device itself) or AC (Application Controller, the hosting CPU).

  • Function: The function that triggered the log message.

  • Line: The code line that triggered the log message.

  • Message: The log message.


The following table explains the different severity values:






Informational message.



Warning message that an action did not produce the expected result.



Error message that an action failed.


Once the reading of log messages is started, the process continues until “Stop reading log” is selected. 

While the reading of log messages is active, it is not possible to select a different device in the Network Navigator.

 Per default, the log view will be automatically scrolled to the last message at the bottom of the view. This behaviour can be disabled by unchecking “Enable autoscrolling” in the Options section of the Device Log.

The log messages are logged per default to a file in the user directory. To disable this behaviour, uncheck “Log to file” in the Options section.

It is possible to filter the log messages by the module of the iRJ45 device that triggered the message via the button “Set Filter”. A dialog allows the selection of the required modules.



After clicking on “Ok” the filter will be applied, and the active modules are shown below the “Set Filter” button. The filter can be reset by clicking “Reset Filter”.

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