Requirements and installation

Requirements and installation

Requirements and installation

This chapter describes the required software to run the iRJ45 Device Manager and explains how to install the tool on a PC. 


The Industrial Communication Explorer is a Java based tool which uses the Eclipse RCP framework. The version for the Windows operating system contains the Java Runtime Environment in the software package, so no extra Java installation is required. For Linux and MacOS, a Java Runtime Environment 17 or newer is required. Please consult the documentation of your Linux or MacOS version on how to install a JRE.

The PROFINET RT Master requires a raw socket interface for sending and receiving Ethernet frames which is provided via the PCAP library.

The library is not contained in the package and needs to be installed separately. For Windows the software can be downloaded from the WinPCAP homepage. In case the tool “Wireshark” is installed on the PC, it is likely that also WinPCAP is already available.

During the startup of the Industrial Communication Explorer, it will check whether an installation of WinPCAP was found and report any issues. 

The EtherCAT master uses a proxy program that requires a Visual C++ 2019 runtime for Windows and a current version of the npcap library (v0.994 or above).

The functionalities of the Industrial Communication Explorer are based on the Device Detection protocol of the iRJ45. Please ensure, that the protocol is not disabled the Application Controler (AC).


Software installation

The Industrial Communication Explorer requires no installation. To use the software, copy the contents of the provided archive to a directory of choice and run the mantool.exe. During the first startup of the tool, a directory “.mantool” will be created in the home directory of the user which will contain the configuration data of the Explorer. On Windows, this is typically located in c:\users\%username%.

On Linux, some capabilities need to be set to allow sending and receiving raw Ethernet frames required by PROFINET and EtherCAT. This applies to the used Java runtime environment as well as the EtherCAT proxy. To set these capabilities, follow theses steps:

  • Find the path to your Java binary

  • Execute the following command line:
    sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep <pathtojavabinary>

  • Switch to the ecat subdirectory of the tool and run the following commands
    chmod +x ecatproxy
    sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep ecatproxy

Firewall settings

The device detection protocol as well as the ConfigManager protocol require certain settings in the Windows firewall to receive data. To allow the communication between devices and the iRJ45 Device Manager, the following protocols must be allowed in the firewall configuration:

  • Protocol: UDP

  • Ports: 19010, 19011

The protocol uses the broadcast address for sending data from the iRJ45 Device Manager to the device and the device uses the same address to send data back. 

The EtherNet/IP Master requires unicast/multicast UDP packets to be received from the device. Therefore, the following protocols must be allowed in the firewall configuration: 

  • Protocol: UDP

  • Ports: 2222

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