This document provides information about how to build an application for the irj45 communication module.
Hardware setup
The module provides a management inferface, where initial configuration can be done. These properties can be stored permanently within the device. Following properties are provided to configure the SPI interface:
Variable | Description | Default value |
SPI_TYPE | SPI master/slave configuration | 1 = SLAVE |
SPI_MODE | SPI timing mode | 0 = MODE0 |
SPI_UNITWIDTH | SPI single transfer size | 0 = 8 BIT |
SPI_BITORDER | SPI bit transfer direction | 0 = MSB |
SPI_TRANSFERSIZE | SPI packet transfer size | 128 |
Table 3 SPI configuration
The module does only support SPI_TYPE slave.
The module does only support SPI_UNITWIDTH of 8 bit.
The module does only support SPI_TRANSFERSIZE of 128 byte.
The SPI mode can be configured according to Table 4.
The SPI bitorder can be configured according to Table 5.
Value | SPI MODE |
0 | Mode 0 |
1 | Mode 1 |
2 | Mode 2 |
3 | Mode 3 |
Table 4 SPI Mode configuration
0 | MSB |
1 | LSB |
Table 5 SPI bitorder configuration
Basic application setup
A basic application consists of the optional function calls appl_init, appl_setup and appl_loop. It follows the design philosphy of the GOAL middleware.
Default Features
By default, the irj45 CC module will start a web server (on port 8080) for the firmware update feature and an instance of Device Detection for management using the management tool.
It is not possible by an AC application to disable the web server on the CC. However, the AC can start another instance of the web server.
It is possible for an AC application to limit the by default full management access through Device Detection in different ways. Please refer to the corresponding chapter in the documentation.
Device Detection
Initial state
On the irj45 communication module DD is enabled by default. This allows full access to all variables and logs on the CC module. DD bases on a simple UDP based protocol with no encryption. Thus, an application can and should limit the access to a feasable range. Limitation of features and access is possible on various levels.
Initial disabling of features by the application
This property is applied at application startup when the AC application setup is executed. With the call of goal_ddNew() from appl_setup() a bitmask can be passed whith bits representing single functions of DD. Please refer to the API documentation of DD for possible values. If all bits are set, all features (hello, get, set, get_list, wink) are enabled.
Initial disabling of features by CM variable
The in chapter described mechanism can also be set before application start by setting the corrensponding CM variable FEATURE_DISABLE (see chapter 4.9.1). Each request processed by the device detection module will utilize the value of this variable to determine, if the request is allowed to be processed.
Please note, that any call of goal_ddNew will overwrite the value of this variable, if a different initialization value is passed.
Temporary enable features of the device detection
This property is applied at an arbitraty time, for example when configured using a web site provided by the AC application.
GOAL_STATUS_T goal_ddSessionFeatureActivate(
GOAL_DD_T *pHdlDd, /*< dd handle */
uint32_t bitmaskFeatures /*< bitmask with feature enable bits set */
The parameter bitmask contains bits representing features being enabled
Those bits overwrite the disable bits from CM for the current session
Filtering and access rights
This property is applied at starup of the AC application.
Using filters it is possible to limit access to CM variables by groups (module ids) and variables (variable ids). Currently some filters are predefined for usage. These can be enabled using following function:
GOAL_STATUS_T goal_ddFilterAdd(
GOAL_DD_T *pHdlDd, /*< dd handle */
GOAL_DD_ACCESS_FILTER_SET_T setId /*< set id */
This function works on a created instance of DD, thus requires passing of a valid DD handle. The setId can be used with following values:
Set Id | Description |
GOAL_DD_ACCESS_FILTER_SET_ALL | Complete access to all variables |
GOAL_DD_ACCESS_FILTER_SET_BASIC | Filter for minimal |
GOAL_DD_ACCESS_FILTER_SET_HIDDEN | Filter for hiding critial information |
Table 6 DD Filter IDs
Please refer to the API documentation of DD for detailed information.
The communication module contains a full featured PROFINET slave stack. For application see the proper PROFINET documentation.
The communication module contains a full featured EtherNet/IP slave stack. For application see the proper EtherNet/IP documentation.
The communication module contains a full featured EtherCAT slave stack. For application see the EtherCAT stack documentation.
The communication module contains a web server for basic management functionality. Please refer to the proper HTTPD documentation as part of the GOAL - Programmer’s Manual.
Network channels
The communication module provides TCP and UDP communication channels. Please refer to the API documentation within this document for detailed description.
Generic Data Provider
For fieldbus communication applications a generic data provider is available, which contains gneralized information and led status for the application.
Data Provider Information | PROFINET | EtherNet/IP | EtherCAT |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_STATUS_FLG_CONN | Connection | Connection | Connection (ESM-State == OP) |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_STATUS_FLG_ERR | Error | Error | Application Layer Error |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_STATUS_FLG_VALID | - | Process data valid | Process data valid |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_LED_WINK | DCP blink signaling | - | - |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_LED_RED1 | Error | Module Status red | EC ERR Led May be configured to a STATUS Indicator, wher only LED_GREEN1 and LED_RED_1 are used. |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_LED_RED2 | Maintainance | Network Status red | (optional: part of the STATUS indicator) |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_LED_GREEN1 | Connection | Module Status green | EC RUN Led |
GOAL_MCTC_DP_LED_GREEN2 | DCP blink signaling | Network Status green | - |
Table 7 MCTC Status information
The LED status information are a recommendation regarding conformance/usability of a device implementation. The delivered examples show usage of this feature.
Ethernet Startup Delay
With integration of EtherCAT in version of the ccm module, an additional functionality was integrated which allows a dedicated startup of the network by the application controller. Depending on the chosen communication stack (e.g. PROFINET or EtherCAT), the network interface is brought up in the required mode.
A ccm module without an application controller however would never start the network in this scenario. Thus a fallback was implemented, which by default brings up the network after 5 seconds after startup of the ccm module. This behaviour can be configured using a ccm variable (module id 72, variable id 13).
Following table shows configuration options:
Timeout value | function |
0 | default timeout enabled (5 seconds) |
1 ... 254 | value determines timeout in seconds |
255 | timeout disabled |
Table 8 ethernet timeout configuration
If powering of the application controller and establishing of the communication between AC and CC take longer then the configured timeout, it needs to be increased.
External Reset
The module provides an external reset input, where the AC can perform a reset of the irj45 module.
Do not perform this reset during a firmware update of the CC. This will prevent proper update functionality.
Therefore, it is recommended to utilize this reset only if the AC module is initially powered up (cold start).
RPC Synchronization reset
If either AC or CC restart, the peer module is required to restart too. Else a repeatedly RPC synchronization is not possible.
By default, the CC module does not perform a reset implicitly. If the AC application restarts, a power cycle of the CC module (or a manual reset) is required. It is possible to configure this behaviour using the CM variable interface (see chapter 4.9.10).
The AC performs a reset of it's application on request of the CC, e.g. when the CC restarts. This can happen during a firmware update.
IP Settings
IP Settings can be done with the CM interface.
Step | Action | Remark |
1 | Set CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:IP | Configure IP address |
2 | Set CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:NETMASK | Configure Netmask |
3 | Set CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:GW | Configure Gateway |
4 | Set CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:Valid to 1 | Set IP configuration to valid |
5 | Set CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:DHCP_ENABLED to 0 | Disable DHCP |
6 | Set CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:COMMIT to 1 | Apply IP settings |
Table 9 IP configuration with CM
To enable DHCP set the CM Variable GOAL_ID_NET:DHCP_ENABLED to 1 and perform a power cycle.
Management Interface CC
See goal_db, Page "Variables": The column "Long description" contains documentation of single variables. The management interface has following functions:
Responding to scan requests for devices
Listing CM variables
Reading CM variables
Writing CM variables
Setting IP address
Wink command
Each of those functions can be permanently disabled by setting a bit in the CM variable GOAL_ID_DD:FEATURE_DISABLE.
Management Interface DD
Module Id = GOAL_ID_DD (34)
MODULENAME | 0 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 20 | Customer specific name of the module |
CUSTOMERID | 1 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Customer Id |
RESERVED | 2 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | - |
FEATURE_DISABLE | 3 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Each bit disables a function: bit 0, disable "HELLO DETECTION"bit 1, disable WINKbit 2, disable GETLISTbit 3, disable GET VALUEbit 4, disable SET VALUE |
Table 10 DD management interface
Module Id = GOAL_ID_PNIO (27)
Internal variables used by the Profinet stack
These variables provide an interface for the logging manager of the irj45 module.
Module Id = GOAL_ID_LM (35)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
VERSION | 0 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Version information for LM interface |
READBUFFER | 1000 | GOAL_CM_GENERIC | 128 | Buffer for reading online logging from deivce |
CNT | 1001 | GOAL_CM_UINT16 | 2 | Control word for online log access |
EXLOG_READBUFFER | 1002 | GOAL_CM_GENERIC | 128 | Buffer for reading exception logging from deivce |
EXLOG_CNT | 1003 | GOAL_CM_UINT16 | 2 | Control word for exception log access |
EXLOG_SIZE | 1004 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Indicator for exception log size |
EXLOG_USAGE | 1005 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Indicator for exception log usage |
EXLOG_ERASE | 1006 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Command:*, Erase Exception Log |
Table 11 LM Management interface
Module Id = GOAL_ID_NET (12)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
IP | 0 | GOAL_CM_IPV4 | 4 | IP address of first interface |
NETMASK | 1 | GOAL_CM_IPV4 | 4 | NETMASK of first interface |
GW | 2 | GOAL_CM_IPV4 | 4 | GATEWAY of first interface |
VALID | 3 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Validity of IP address:0, Stored IP address is not valid, interface settings originate from network stack of system1, Stored IP address is valid, will be applied to interface at start of device |
DHCP_ENABLED | 4 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | DHCP enable:0, DHCP disabled1, DHCP enabled |
DHCP_STATE | 5 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | DHCP state:0, DHCP initialized1, DHCP server selecting2, DHCP requesting configuration3, DHCP ip address bound4, DHCP renewing configuration5, DHCP rebinding ip address to interface |
DNS0 | 6 | GOAL_CM_IPV4 | 4 | First DNS server of first interface |
DNS1 | 7 | GOAL_CM_IPV4 | 4 | Second DNS server if first interface |
HOSTNAME | 8 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 20 | Hostname of first interface |
COMMIT | 1000 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Command:*, Apply IP settings |
Table 12 NET Management interface
Module Id = GOAL_ID_BOOT (37)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
SIGNATURE | 0 | GOAL_CM_GENERIC | 16 | Signature of booted image |
BLVERSION | 1 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 16 | Bootloader Version |
FWVERSION | 2 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 16 | Firmware Version |
RESET_CAUSE | 1000 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Reset cause:0, Unspecified1, Firmware Update Requested2, Watchdog3, Firmware Commit Required4, Reserved |
IMAGE_NUMBER | 1001 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Booted image number |
IMAGE_COUNTER | 1002 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Booted image age counter |
Table 13 BOOTLOADER Management interface
Module Id = GOAL_ID_CM (2)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
VERSION | 0 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Version information for CM interface |
SAVE | 1000 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Command:*, Save CM to Flash |
Table 14 CM Management interface
Module Id = GOAL_ID_ETH (4)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
MAC | 0 | GOAL_CM_GENERIC | 6 | |
LINK | 1000 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Link status mask of interfaces |
SPEED | 1001 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Port speed mask of interfaces |
DUPLEX | 1002 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Port Duplex mask of interfaces |
PORTCNT | 1003 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Number of interfaces |
Table 15 ETH Management interface
Module Id = GOAL_ID_EIP (23)
Internal variables used by the EtherNet/IP stack
Module Id = GOAL_ID_HTTP (25)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
HTTP_CHANNELS_MAX | 0 | GOAL_CM_UINT16 | 2 | Determines the number of possible connections to the HTTP server |
HTTPS_CHANNELS_MAX | 1 | GOAL_CM_UINT16 | 2 | Determines the number of possible connections to the HTTPS server |
USERLEVEL0 | 2 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 32 | Authentication data for level 0 |
USERLEVEL1 | 3 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 32 | Authentication data for level 1 |
USERLEVEL2 | 4 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 32 | Authentication data for level 2 |
USERLEVEL3 | 5 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 32 | Authentication data for level 3 |
Table 16 HTTP Management interface
Interface for Management Tool for informative and configuration purpose.
Module Id = GOAL_ID_CCM (72)
Variable Name | Variable ID | Type | Max. Size | Long description |
SPI_TYPE | 0 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | SPI Type (currently only slave supported):0, SPI Master1, SPI Slave |
SPI_MODE | 1 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | SPI Mode:0, CPOL=0; CPHA=01, CPOL=0; CPHA=12, CPOL=1; CPHA=03, CPOL=1; CPHA=1 |
SPI_SPEED | 2 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | SPI Speed in Master Mode |
SPI_UNITWIDTH | 3 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Bitsize of one single transfer unit:0, 8 Bit1, 16 Bit2, 32 Bit |
SPI_BITORDER | 4 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Bitorder of SPI transfers:0, MSB first1, LSB first |
SPI_TRANSFERSIZE | 5 | GOAL_CM_UINT16 | 2 | Minimum transfer size of single transmission frame |
COMM_FAULT_ERROR_STATE | 6 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Fault action to execute when communication to AC was lost during a cyclic connection:0, Enter fault state (disable connection)1, Keep running (keep connection) |
COMM_SYNC_RESET | 7 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Behaviour when a sync reset request was received from AC:0, Do nothing1, Perform reset of CC controller |
FW_UPDATE_COMMIT_DISABLE | 8 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | Optional disable of the additional commit step during firmware update:0, Firmware update requires commit step1, Firmware update doesn't require a commit step |
FOE_FILENAME | 9 | GOAL_CM_STRING | 32 | EtherCAT FoE update file name |
FOE_PASSWORD | 10 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | EtherCAT FoE update password |
FOE_UPDATE_REQUIRES_BOOT | 11 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | EtherCAT FoE update required state |
FOE_FILENAME_MATCH_LEN | 12 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | EtherCAT FoE update file name match length |
ETH_SWITCH_MODE_TIMEOUT | 13 | GOAL_CM_UINT8 | 1 | General timeout for Ethernet interface activation |
UPTIME | 1000 | GOAL_CM_UINT32 | 4 | Number of seconds since start of device |
Table 17 CCM Management interface
Firmware Update
Update the communication controller
Firmware update of the communiation controller is possible in the field. It is done using the Management tool. This tool uses the HTTP protocol to transfer a firmware package to the device.
Firmware package
Firmware image is bundled within a package. This package contains a signed firmware, which secures only acceptance of firmware from the device originator. Thus, it is possible for the device to check authenticity of the firmware image.
Control interface
By default, a firmware update is possible at any time. The communication module provides an interface to enable and disable the firmware update process. An application should use this interface as there are situations where a firmware update should not be accepted. This should be deactivated during an active cyclic connection to the PLC. For usage of this interface see chapter 6.1.
Optionally the application controller can register for events regarding firmware update. Then a start and finish of transfer is signalled to the application controller. Its task is also to trigger the reboot to the bootloader and performance of the actual firmware update. Beside that a failed or succeeded firmware update is reported to the application controller. The callback function can be registered using appl_ccmFwUpdateCbReg().
/** firmware update callback
static void appl_fwUpdateCb(
FW_UPDATE_SOURCE_T source, /**< fw update source */
FW_UPDATE_STATUS_T state, /**< fw update status */
uint8_t progress /**< fw update progress */
switch (state) {
goal_logInfo("fw update state : IDLE");
goal_logInfo("fw update state : TRANSFER INIT");
switch (source) {
goal_logInfo("fw update source : RPC");
goal_logInfo("fw update source : HTTP");
goal_logInfo("fw update source : FOE");
goal_logInfo("fw update state : TRANSFER, progress = %d", progress);
goal_logInfo("fw update state : TRANSFER DONE");
goal_logInfo("performing update, rebooting CCM module");
/* perform actual update */
goal_logInfo("fw update state : ABORT");
goal_logInfo("fw update state : PENDING");
goal_logInfo("fw update state : UPDATE DONE");
Firmware update sequence
Firmware update is a two-step process. At first the firmware is uploaded to the http server of the CC module. Following checks are done during this check:
This upload uses authentication with authentication level 0, where credentials are checked if configured for the HTTPD module. Those variables are configurable through the RPC interface of the HTTPD service. By default, these credentials are empty. Thus, any attempt to authenticate is accepted.
The firmware update must be allowed by the AC. By default, this is the case. However, the AC can disable this function using the RPC interface.
If at the end of the transfer a valid firmware is detected, the module restarts and enters the bootloader. This software module checks the signature of the firmware and writes the correctly signed firmware to the memory of the device. As a fallback, the previously run firmware is kept. After restart of the module a successful communication to the management tool required to permanently enable the updated firmware. If this is possible, the module will restart again, and the bootloader will mark the new firmware as the current firmware. If this fails, the bootloader will revert to the original firmware with the next power cycle.
Keep update functionality while disabling DD
An application integrator might want to disable the DD feature to not expose any internal information of the device. Disabling is possible. However, to allow a firmware update using the management tool, the following steps need to be implemented:
1. Disabling DD by default
When calling the API function goal_ddNew, a bitmask can be passed, that determines the active DD features. If the predefined value GOAL_DD_FEAT_NO is used, DD is disabled completely.
Internally this value is stored to the CM variable FEATURE_DISABLE, which state also can be saved permanently to flash.
2. Introducing a switch to termporarily enable DD features
If a firmware update shall be processed, minimal DD features need to be set temporarily. These are:
This can be done using the API function goal_ddSessionFeatureActivate() with the following arguments:
The temporary switch, to enable the management interface, can be implemented using the web server. See example 01_pnio_io_mirror for usage. As a result, the device will be invisible for the management tool. For firmware update, the required interface is temporarily activated, thus allowing to update the communication module firmware.
Update possibilities for application controller
By default, there is no firmware update available for the application controller. However, the module provides mechanisms for implementing such a feature within the customer application.
Following, two possible solutions are shown:
AC Firmware update over HTTP
The application controller can provide a web site or tool-based firmware update over HTTP transport, utilitung the provided RPC interface of the HTTPD service. As a starting point, the HTTPD example goal_http/02_post, respectively ccm example 20015013_irj45/01_pnio_io_mirror can be used.
For the latter, data for firmware update transported using a HTTP POST request will be processed in the callback function httpDataCbPost, for example as shown in the following sample code:
AC Firmware update over TCP
If HTTP is not favoured for transport of the firmware update, a plain TCP socket can be used for data transfer. This transport can be used the stream of data it provides, or any additional protocol can be used above this transport. See RPC interface of the networking tcp module.
Respectively, following callback function will handle received data: