Firmware Update

Firmware Update

The firmware of an iRJ45 or a SoM device can be updated using the Firmware Update feature of the Industrial Communication Explorer (ICE).

Make sure, that the PC and device are in the same subnet. Otherwise the Firmware Update could fail.

  1. Select [1] and Scan Network [2] connected to the iRJ45/ SoM Device.

  2. Choose the found Device [3] and change to the Tab Firmware Update [4].

  3. Select a FW bundle [5] and Start update [6].

The new firmware image is transmitted to the device via HTTP. The Username and Password for a Level 0 access to use can be set via File -> Preferences -> FW Update via HTTP -> Username (Level 0), Password (Level 0).

The Field CC is the firmware version for the Device, Config is the version of a special configuration, if not compiled into the firmware and AC is the firmware for the Host CPU if contained in the bundle.

The firmware update progress is shown in the section below the “Update Settings” area. The update process itself is divided into the following steps:

  1. Sending the firmware via HTTP or FoE to the device.

  2. Reboot of device.

  3. The bootloader now checks whether the software is valid and writes it to the flash. This process may take up to 90s.

  4. The bootloader starts the new firmware.

  5. The Industrial Communication Explorer sends a commit, so the new firmware is marked as valid.

After Committing, the Device is updated successfully.

Please take also a look at our FAQ, if there are any problems with the communication between iRJ45/ SoM and the Industrial Communication Explorer.

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