

All rights reserved


The programs, boards and documentations supplied by port GmbH are created with due diligence, checked carefully and tested on several applications.


We do not promise any functionality and suitability, expect these expressively promised. The software and the documentation can contain errors. Using the software still obliges the customer for testing with at least due diligence.


In particular performance characteristics and technical data given in this document may not be constituted to be guaranteed product features in any legal sense.

For consequential damages, which are emerged on the strength of use the program and the hardware boards therefore, every legal responsibility or liability is excluded.

port has the right to modify the products described or their documentation at any time without prior warning, as long as these changes are made for reasons of reliability or technical improvement.


All rights of this documentation lie with port. The transfer of rights to third parties or duplication of this document in any form, whole or in part, is subject to written approval by port. Copies of this document may however be made exclusively for the use of the user and his engineers. The user is thereby responsible that third parties do not obtain access to these copies.

The soft- and hardware designations used are mostly registered and are subject to copyright.

We are thankful for hints of possible errors and may ask around for information. We will go all the way to verify such hints fastest.





© 2020 port GmbH

Regensburger Straße 7b

D-06132 Halle

Tel. +49 345 - 777 55 0

Fax. +49 345 - 777 55 20




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