Features & known restrictions
Supported platforms:
port provides ready to use driver packages with the PROFINET stack for the following platforms:
Generic Linux
Generic Linux with port Switch Interface
Raspberry PI & CM4 Linux
Renesas RIN32M3 HWRTOS
Renesas RZN1D (on RZN1-CM3 with interface to A7)
Renesas RZN1L
Renesas RZN1S (on RZN1-CM3 with interface to A7)
Renesas RZT1 (on RZN1-CM3 with interface to R4F)
ST STM32 using Cube Libraries (F4 and above)
ST STM32 using Cube Libraries (F4 and above) with switch interface
Renesas SYNERGY S7G2SK ThreadX
Your platform is not supported? Please contact us via service@port.de to learn more about extending platform support.
Supported features:
Feature: | unit | PORT Stack | PORT SoM | Comment |
Conformity Class |
| B | B | mandatory: support of DCP, LLDP, SNMP |
Maximum number of total cyclic input data, incl. IOPS and IOCS | Bytes | 1440 | 72 | according to the platform |
Maximum number of total cyclic output data, incl. IOPS and IOCS | Bytes | 1440 | 72 | according to the platform |
Maximum Number of Submodules |
| not defined | not defined | according cyclic and acyclic data |
Supported AR´s |
| Controller AR, Supervisor AR, DataAccess AR, Implicit AR | Controller AR, Supervisor AR, DataAccess AR, Implicit AR | mandatory |
Acyclic communication (Record objects) | kBytes | not defined | not defined | ca. 1200 byte real and fragmented |
Alarm types: |
| yes | yes | process, diagnosis, user specific (e.g. maintenance) |
Diagnostic Entries | records | yes | yes | 20 (adjustable with prio - queue ) |
Identification & Maintenance: | I&M | yes | yes | mandatory (I&M 1 – 4 by default) |
Topology recognition: |
| yes | yes | mandatory |
Physical Device Record Objects |
| yes | yes | mandatory |
Minimum cycle time, RT_CLASS_1 |
| according Platform | 1ms | Linux target > 8/ 16 ms, bare metal targets up to 1 ms |
Minimum cycle time, RT_CLASS_3 |
| - | - | IRT not supported |
IRT support |
| - | - | IRT not supported |
Media redundancy Protocol (MRP) |
| yes | - | Requires switch IC with two or more ports. |
Media Redundancy with Planned Duplication of frames (MRPD) |
| - | - | not suppored |
Shared Device |
| - | - | not supported |
Fast Startup (depending on hardware) |
| - | - | not supported |
Asset management |
| - | - | not supported |
Baudrate | MBit/s | 100Mbit/FD | 100Mbit/FD | according the specification |
Data transport layer |
| Ethernet II, IEEE802.3
| Ethernet II, IEEE802.3
| supported depending on hardware |
PROFINET specification |
| V2.4 | V2.4 | supported |
Conformity Class |
| B | B | certified with example application |
Application IP stack API, max. number of sockets |
| lwIP, according to the platform | lwIP, 10 UDP 10 TCP
Sending and Receiving Raw Ethernet Frames as Application is supported |
| no | no |
RT over UDP |
| - | - |
Multicast communication |
| - | - |
Maximum Number of device instances |
| 1 | 1 |
Support of shared input |
| - | - |
Other supported features |
| - | - | e.g. dynamic frame packaging (DFP), linkable object module (LOM),... |
Known restrictions:
Unsupported Features & Limitations
Feature: | Comment |
Minimum cycle time, RT_CLASS_3 | IRT not supported |
Netload Class II & III | not tested and certified |
IRT support | not supported |
Media Redundancy with Planned Duplication of frames (MRPD) | not suppored |
Shared Device | not supported |
Shared Inputs | not supported |
System Redundancy | not supported, works as S1 |
Configuration in Run (CiR) | not supported |
Fast Startup (depending on hardware) | not supported |
Asset management | not supported |
Conformity Class D | planned for Version goal_pnio V2.23.0 |
Sending and Receiving Raw Ethernet Frames as Application is supported | only by application |
RT over UDP | not supported |
Multicast Relation Support (MCR) | not supported |
Multiple AR´s | not supported |
MRP | fixed ring port configuration (Port 1 - Ring Port 1, Port 2 - Ring Port 2) |
DHCP - Support | not supported with Profinet |