Appendix Q – CC-Link IE TSN commands
Export options (count of values has to be the same as count of documents user wants to generate) | |
--edestfile= <doc1val>,<doc2val>,..,<docN> | Destination file path and name |
--eseg= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Choose which subsegment structure will be exported:
· value = all export Manu+Profile sub-segments · value = manu export Manufacturer sub-segments · value = dev export Profile sub-segments · value = none no sub-segments exported
Default: none |
--esegtemp= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Choose description template for export of sub-segments
Predefined path variables for values: · devDescCiA301Style default path for CiA301 style (.html) |
--eindex1start= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | First range start (only objects with addresses within the range were exported)
· value = integer value withing range 0x40 – 0xFFFF
Default: range is disabled when there is no start or no end index |
--eindex1end= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | First range end
· value = integer value withing range 0x40 – 0xFFFF
Default: range is disabled when there is no start or no end index |
--eindex2start= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Second range start
· value = integer value withing range 0x40 – 0xFFFF
Default: range is disabled when there is no start or no end index |
--eindex2end= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Second range end
· value = integer value withing range 0x40 – 0xFFFF
Default: range is disabled when there is no start or no end index |
--eindextemp= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Choose description template for export of objects
Predefined path variables for values: · devDescCiA301Style default path for CiA301 style (.html) |
--etempheader= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Choose description template for header of exported file
Predefined path variables for values: · devDescCiA301Style default path for CiA301 style (.html) |
--etempend= <valueDoc1>,<valueDoc2>,…,<valueDocn> | Choose description template for end of exported file
Predefined path variables for values: · devDescCiA301Style default path for CiA301 style (.html) |
Example: set a document which contains a device description in CiA301 style from all lines with subsegment structure and an index range of 0x40 – 0xFFFF:
iccCmd.cmd --eline=all --edestfile=myDoc.html --etempheader=devDescCiA301Style --etempend=devDescCiA301Style --eindextemp=devDescCiA301Style --esegtemp=devDescCiA301Style --eseg=all --eindex1start=0x40 --eindex1end=0xFFFF C:\Users\user1\Projects\project_C.iccproj
| |
Import options · “override existing objects” is always true and cannot be toggled · Import settings are not saved to project file and are always on default. They have to be set on every command | |
--isrcfile= <value> | Source file path to import |
--itempfile= <value> | Template file path to use for import |
--irange= <startValue>,<endValue> | Object addresses have to be within start and end value to get imported. Value is an integer
· startValue = integer value withing range 0x40 – 0xFFFF · endValue = integer value withing range 0x40 – 0xFFFF
Default: start: 0x40, end: 0xFFFF |
--ioffset= <value> | Offset is added to every object’s address before import
Default: 0 |
--ideldt | Delete all user data types (0x40-0xFFF) of selected line(s) before import |
--idelobj | Delete all objects above data types segment (0x1000-0xFFFF) of selected line(s) before import |
--idelseg | Clear all affected segments of selected line(s) before import |
Example: import all indices from profile 402 and clear segments where new objects get imported into and generate all files:
iccCmd.cmd --isrcfile=”C:\Users\user1\Industrial Communication Creator\plugins\de.port.dsntool.ui.cclink.helppages_1.0.0.202011230637\SegmentProfiles\profile402_2_v4_1_0.iccprof” --idelseg --generate C:\Users\user1\Projects\project_C.iccproj
Table 41: Options for CC-Link IE TSN commands