Appendix E – Common PROFINET problems

Appendix E – Common PROFINET problems

Error: An exception occurred while delegating evaluation of the XXX constraint on YYY
Examples: An exception occurred while delegating evaluation of the 'ValueIsOptionsIndex' constraint (...)
An exception occurred while delegating evaluation of the 'IntValueBetweenLimits' constraint (...)
Solution: The error will be reported if setting value is in incorrect form. This most likely means that the project was loaded from corrupted file. In case of two given examples it is possible to fix problem by changing values of problematic settings.

Warning: XXX constraint is not satisfied for YYY
Examples: 'IntSetting::IntValueBetweenLimits' constraint is not satisfied for (...)
'LimitedSetting::ValueIsOptionsIndex' constraint is not satisfied for (...)
Solution: The error will be reported if configuration setting or object violates project constraints. Since application is designed to keep user from breaking these constraints during normal project editing, presence of this report may mean that the project file was corrupted. Still, it is possible to fix most of problems of this type, by simply editing reported configuration element. Meaning of some constraint violations is described below:

  • LimitedSetting::ValueIsOptionsIndex - Setting value is incorrect; Can be fixed by changing setting value;

  • IntSetting::IntValueBetweenLimits - Numeric value is not in valid range; Can be fixed by changing setting value;

  • [Module, Slot, Submodule, Subslot]::AddressInRange - Identification number of software model object is not in valid range; Can be fixed by changing the number in question;

  • [Module, Submodule, Parameter]::NameLength - name of object is longer than 100 characters; Can be fixed by changing the name;

  • Submodule::[DataLengthInRange, DataLenghtOutRange] - data length attribute of Submodule object is invalid; Can be fixed by changing the value of problematic field;

  • Parameter::IndexInRange - index attribute is not a 16-bit integer; Can be fixed by changing the value of index.

Error: Object has more children than specified in setting XXX
Solution: The error is reported if Software Model definition is inconsistent with Resource Management settings. The possible cases are:

  • There is more Modules defined than Number of device Modules setting value;

  • There is more Slots defined than Number of device Slots setting value;

  • There is more Submodules in Module than Number of device Submodules per Module setting value;

  • There are more Subslots in Slot than Number of device Subslots per Slot setting value.

These problems can be fixed by either removing excess objects or by correcting corresponding setting value.

Error: IO error while saving GSDML file.
Solution: The error is reported when attempt to save GSDML file to disk fails. User shall check if disk has enough free space and whether application has write permission for the file in question.

Error: Problem while saving GSDML stylesheet.
Solution: The error is reported when attempt to copy stylesheet file to the same location as GSDML file fails. User shall check if disk has enough free space and whether application has write permission for the file in question.


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