

To enable POWERLINK support in GOAL the goal_eplInit function must be called during appl_init. Afterwards, a new POWERLINK instance can setup by goal_eplNew during appl_setup.

static GOAL_EPL_T *pHdlEpl; /**< GOAL POWERLINK handle */ GOAL_STATUS_T appl_init( void ) { GOAL_STATUS_T res; /* result */ /* initialize POWERLINK */ res = goal_eplInit(); if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) { goal_logErr("Initialization of POWERLINK failed"); } return res; } GOAL_STATUS_T appl_setup( void ) { GOAL_STATUS_T res; /* result */ /* setup Ethernet POWERLINK */ res = goal_eplNew(&pHdlEpl); if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) { goal_logErr("failed to create a new POWERLINK instance"); } return res; }

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