OpenPOWERLINK software MN on Raspberry Pi 3

The OpenPOWERLINK software Master node is usable for simple IO tests. This Quick Start Guides describes how to install the tool for Raspberry Pi.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

Software Requirements:


Installation of openPOWERLINK Master on Raspberry Pi

To install and run the software, please install following tools first.

sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install pcap sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

Run following commands to install the software MN.

# clone openPOWERLINK Sources (or download and tar the file from link above) git clone # enter directory cd openPOWERLINK_V2/ # enter linux stack cd stack/build/linux/ # generate MasterNode (Release) cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_MN=ON ../.. # building MasterNode (Release) make # install MasterNode (Release) make install # return to basic directory cd - # enter application directory apps/demo_mn_console/build/linux/ # create MasterNode Applicatoin cmake ../.. # build MasterNode Application make # run MasterNode Application sudo ./demo_mn_console


Further information and descriptions of the OpenPOWERLINK software Master are available at B&R Website B&R - Powerlink and openPOWERLINK.

In case of any specific questions, you can contact our support team via

Oct 6, 2023