Application Programming Interface
This chapter lists the API functions that are provided by GOAL EtherNet/IP. See the applications on appl/goal_eip/* for a demonstration of the code examples. For further details please refer to the Reference Manual.
Initialize GOAL EtherNet/IP. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result. This function must be called within the function appl_init().
No parameters required.
res = goal_eipInit();
Create a GOAL EtherNet/IP instance for the given ID and register a callback. This function must be called within the function appl_setup().
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T **ppEip | [out] EtherNet/IP instance ref |
const uint32_t id | ID of EtherNet/IP instance |
GOAL_EIP_FUNC_CB_T pFunc | GOAL Ethernet/ IP handle application callback |
Table: goal_eipNew parameters
res = goal_eipNew(&pHdlEip, EIP_INSTANCE_DEFAULT, main_eipCallback);
Register an application specific CIP class. When the EtherNet/IP stack receives a request for the the registered CIP class it is passed to the handler function.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint16_t classId | class ID to be registered |
GOAL_EIP_REQ_HANDLER_T pFunc | request handler |
Table: goal_eipCipClassRegister parameters
res = goal_eipCipClassRegister(pEip, APPL_CLASS_ID_PARAMETER,
Creates an Assembly onto the given Instance. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
On MCTC platforms, the function equals goal_eipCreateAssemblyObjectDm and the Assembly will be added to the Data Mapper - thus the total size of Assemblies is limited to buffer length of MI DM instance.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
uint32_t instanceId | instance number of the assembly object to create |
uint16_t len | length of the assembly object’s data |
Table: goal_eipCreateAssemblyObject parameters
Adds an CIP instance to the selected Class. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
The assembly object data will be mapped to Data Mapper for exchanging the content with the peer core.
On MCTC platforms, the Assembly will be added to the Data Mapper - thus the total size of Assemblies is limited to buffer length of MI DM instance.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
uint32_t instanceId | instance number of the assembly object to create |
uint16_t len | length of the assembly object’s data |
Table: goal_eipCreateAssemblyObjectDm parameters
Creates an Assembly onto the given Instance on MCTC platforms, the Assembly won’t be added to the Data Mapper. Data are transported to the peer core by RPC instead. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
Only on MCTC platforms. The Assembly won’t be added to the Data Mapper - therefore the size is restricted by RPC.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
uint32_t instanceId | instance number of the assembly object to create |
uint16_t len | length of the assembly object’s data |
Table: goal_eipCreateAssemblyObject parameters
Get the pointer to the data array of an assembly.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint32_t instanceId | instance number of the assembly object |
uint8_t **ppData | [out] pointer to assembly data |
uint16_t *pLen | [out] length of assembly data |
Table: goal_eipAssemblyObjectGet parameters
Create one Exclusive Owner connection with producing and consuming endpoints.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
uint32_t outputAssembly | the O-to-T point to be used for this connection |
uint32_t inputAssembly | the T-to-O point to be used for this connection |
uint32_t configAssembly | the configuration point to be used for this connection |
Table: goal_eipAddExclusiveOwnerConnection parameters
Create multiple Input Only connections with the same producing and consuming endpoints.
goal_eipAddInputOnlyConnection parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
uint32_t connNum | the number of the input only connection |
uint32_t outputAssembly | the O-to-T point to be used for this connection |
uint32_t inputAssembly | the T-to-O point to be used for this connection |
uint32_t configAssembly | the configuration point to be used for this connection |
Table: goal_eipAddInputOnlyConnection parameters
Create multiple Listen Only connections with the same producing and consuming endpoints.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
uint32_t connNum | the number of the input only connection. |
uint32_t outputAssembly | the O-to-T point to be used for this connection |
uint32_t inputAssembly | the T-to-O point to be used for this connection |
uint32_t configAssembly | the configuration point to be used for this connection |
Table: goal_eipAddListenOnlyConnection parameters
Get the EtherNet/IP version. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL EtherNet/IP handle |
char **ppVersion | [out] Ethernet/IP version |
Table: goal_eipGetVersion parameters
Set device status bits. The parameter statusBits uses the GOAL_EIP_STATUS_ macros. They can be combined with binary OR.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint16_t statusBits | status bitmap |
Table: goal_eipDeviceStatusSet parameters
Clear device status bits. All bits of statusBits will be cleared. The parameter uses the GOAL_EIP_STATUS_ macros. They can be combined with binary OR.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint16_t statusBits | status bitmap |
Table: goal_eipDeviceStatusClear parameters
Write data to an Assembly Object.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint32_t instanceId | instance ID oft the Assembly object |
uint8_t *pData | buffer with write data |
uint16_t len | number of bytes to write |
Table: goal_eipAssemblyObjectWrite parameters
Read data from an Assembly Object.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint32_t instanceId | instance ID oft the Assembly object |
uint8_t *pData | buffer for read data |
uint16_t len | number of bytes to read |
Table: goal_eipAssemblyObjectRead parameters
Set the serial number of the device. Each device must have a unique serial number. This function updates the Identity instance attribute, i.e. it changes the Serial Number after the EtherNet/IP instance has been created.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint32_t serialNum | new Serial Number |
Table: goal_eipIdentitySerialNumberSet parameters
Locally execute the Reset service of the Identity object.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EIP_T *pHdlEip | GOAL Ethernet/IP handle |
uint32_t resetService | kind of Reset service
Table: goal_eipReset parameters