Application Callbacks
To use the full potential of POWERLINK the stack allows you to interact at several stages of the protocol. For example, you may receive a callback after the device transition to a new communication state.
goal_eplNewStateInd - Indicate transition to a new communcation state
This function will be indicated at the slave, if it will be forced to another communication state. It is called before the transition change. This user interface ensures a save behavior of the application, before the node goes to another state. Additionally, a change to READY_TO_OPERATE can be prevent.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplNewStateInd parameters |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EPL_NODE_STATE_T newState | new state |
GOAL_BOOL_T success | state of transition to new state |
See nmtslave.c for a demonstration.
goal_eplSwResetInd - Reset the device
This function will reset the device. It's called after a "NMT SwReset" command was received.
In this function the devices should be reinitialized completely. All application parameters from the Object Dictionary are set to the default values before this function is called. The user has to ensure that his application will be reset. Additionally, it is possible for the application to load parameters from a nonvolatile memory. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplSwResetInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
See nmtslave for a demonstration.
goal_eplResetApplInd - Reset the application
This function will reset the device's application. It's called after a "NMT Reset Node" command was received.
All application parameters from the Object Dictionary are set to the default values before this function is called. The user has to ensure that his application will be reset. Additionally, it is possible for the application to load parameters from a nonvolatile memory. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplResetApplInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
goal_eplResetCommInd - Reset communication parameters
This function is user defined. It is called after a "NMT Reset Communication" command was received.
All communication parameters from the Object Dictionary besides the node ID are set to the default values before this function is called. The default values are taken from the object dictionary's "default" value, stored as defaultVal in the object dictionary's VALUE_DESC_T struct. In this function the EPL node can get a new node id from a DIP-Switch or nonvolatile memory. Further communication parameters can be loaded from a nonvolatile memory too. In this case the object dictionary values have to be overwritten using goal_eplPutObj() and goal_eplSetCommPar() . Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplResetCommInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
See nmtslave for a demonstration.
goal_eplResetConfInd - Reset configuration
This function is user defined. It is called after a "NMT Reset Configuration" command was received.
In this function the EPL node can get a new node id from a DIP-Switch or nonvolatile memory. Further communication parameters can be loaded from a nonvolatile memory too. In this case the object dictionary values have to be overwritten using goal_eplPutObj() and goal_eplSetCommPar() . Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplResetConfInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
See nmtslave for a demonstration.
goal_eplGetEplNodeId - Get the node ID of the device
This function has to be filled by the user. It returns the node ID, in the range of 1..254, of the device from e.g. a DIP switch or nonvolatile memory to the EPL layer.
It is called from the EPL layer to initialize the node. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal__eplGetEplNodeId parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t *pEplNodeId | node ID pointer |
goal_eplSdoInitCon - Init SDO connection finished
This function is called after a SDO connection was established or the initialization was aborted. It has to be filled by the user. The parameter flgTimeout gets the information for a timeout or success. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplSdoInitCon parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t node | actual node number |
GOAL_BOOL_T flgTimeout | flag for connection timeout |
goal_eplSdoWrInd - Indicate the occurence of a SDO write access
This function is called if an SDO write request reaches the EPL SDO server. Parameters of the function are the Index and Sub Index of the entry in the local object dictionary where the data should be written to.
If numerical data with size up to 4 bytes should be written, the library stores the previous value in temporary buffer. The new value is put into the local object dictionary.
If the application does not accept this new value, i.e. the function returns with a value > 0, the old value is restored from the temporary buffer to the object dictionary and the SDO write request will be answered with an abort domain transfer by the library. The abort code can be specified by the return -value.
The return value, which has to be specified by the application, selects the possible protocol answer of the write request to the SDO server.
goal_eplSdoWrInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t index | index to object |
uint8_t subIndex | subindex to object |
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result. Typical values are listed in the following table.
goal_eplSdoWrInd return values | |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_OK | success |
GOAL_EPL_E_NONEXIST_OBJECT | object doesn't exist |
GOAL_EPL_E_NONEXIST_SUBINDEX | subindex doesn't exist |
GOAL_EPL_E_NO_READ_PERM | read is not permitted |
GOAL_EPL_E_NO_WRITE_PERM | write is not permitted |
GOAL_EPL_E_MAP | mapping error |
GOAL_EPL_E_DATA_LENGTH | data length error |
GOAL_EPL_E_TRANS_TYPE | wrong trans type |
GOAL_EPL_E_VALUE_TO_HIGH | value to high |
GOAL_EPL_E_VALUE_TO_LOW | value to low |
GOAL_EPL_E_WRONG_SIZE | wrong size |
GOAL_EPL_E_PARA_INCOMP | parameter incompatible |
GOAL_EPL_E_HARDWARE_FAULT | hardware fault |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_CMD_SPEC_INVALID | sdo command specifier invalid |
GOAL_EPL_E_MEM | memory error |
GOAL_EPL_E_INVALID_TRANSMODE | sdo invalid transmode |
GOAL_EPL_E_DEVICE_STATE | bad device state |
GOAL_ERROR | default error |
goal_eplSdoRdInd - Indicate the occurence of a SDO read access
This function determines a reaction to the device for an index - subindex read access via SDO. With this function the object dictionary has to be made up to date e.g. by reading of digital inputs. If an error occurs an abort domain transfer will be started.
The return value, which has to be specified by the application, selects the possible protocol answer of the write request to the SDO server.
goal_eplSdoRdInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t index | index to object |
uint8_t subIndex | subindex to object |
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result. Typical values are listed in the following table.
goal_eplSdoRdInd return values | |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_OK | success |
GOAL_EPL_E_NONEXIST_SUBINDEX | subindex doesn't exist |
GOAL_EPL_E_NO_READ_PERM | read is not permitted |
GOAL_EPL_E_NO_WRITE_PERM | write is not permitted |
GOAL_EPL_E_MAP | mapping error |
GOAL_EPL_E_DATA_LENGTH | data length error |
GOAL_EPL_E_TRANS_TYPE | wrong trans type |
GOAL_EPL_E_VALUE_TO_HIGH | value to high |
GOAL_EPL_E_VALUE_TO_LOW | value to low |
GOAL_EPL_E_WRONG_SIZE | wrong size |
GOAL_EPL_E_PARA_INCOMP | parameter incompatible |
GOAL_EPL_E_HARDWARE_FAULT | hardware fault |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_CMD_SPEC_INVALID | sdo command specifier invalid |
GOAL_EPL_E_MEM | memory error |
GOAL_EPL_E_INVALID_TRANSMODE | sdo invalid transmode |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_OTHER | unknown SDO error |
GOAL_EPL_E_DEVICE_STATE | bad device state |
GOAL_ERROR | default error |
goal_eplTestSdoValue - Check the value of a SDO before writing to object dictionary
This function is called before a write access to an object should be done. At this point the EPL library has been tested the correctness of the attributes for this object. The user can start further tests for this write access. If the return value is not GOAL_OK the write access will be refused.
Parameter are index, subindex, pointer to the data (little endian format) and the length of the data. The function is called immediately after receiving the first message - in the case of a segmented transfer not all data may be available. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplTestSdoValue parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t index | index of object |
uint8_t subIndex | subindex of object |
void *pData | pointer to new data |
uint32_t size | data size |
goal_eplSdoWrCon - Confirmation function for SDO write access
This function signs that the message sent by goal_eplWriteSdoReq() was confirmed by the SDO server. It handles errors and is useful for program synchronization. If the flgError isn't zero, the last SDO transfer was terminated by an abort domain transfer. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
The reason for the termination contains the flgError.
combinations of the flgError | |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_NO_ERROR | no error occurs |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_SERVICE | the service failed |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_OTHER | unknown SDO error |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_UNSUPP_ACCESS | unsupported access |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_NONEXIST_OBJECT | object doesn't exist |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_INCONS_PARA | inconsistent parameter |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_ILLEG_PARA | illegal parameter |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_HARDWARE_FAULT | hardware fault |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_INCONS_OBJ_ATTR | inconsistent object attribute |
goal_eplSdoWrCon parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t sdoNr | number of SDO |
uint32_t flgError | errorflag, if zero sucess |
goal_eplSdoRdCon - Confirmation function for SDO read access
This functions signs that the message sent by goal_eplReadSdoReq() was confirmed by the SDO Server. It handles errors and is useful for program synchronization. If the flgError isn't zero, the last SDO transfer was terminated by an abort domain transfer. The flgError contains the reason for the termination. In case of success the parameter pObj from goal_eplReadSdoReq() points to the read value. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
combinations of the flgError | |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_NO_ERROR | no error occurs |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_SERVICE | the service failed |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_INCONS_PARA | inconsistent parameter |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_ILLEG_PARA | illegal parameter |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_UNSUPP_ACCESS | unsupported access |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_NONEXIST_OBJECT | object doesn't exist |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_INVALID_ADDRESS | invalid address |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_HARDWARE_FAULT | hardware fault |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_INCONS_OBJ_ATTR | inconsistent object attribute |
GOAL_EPL_E_SDO_OTHER | unknown SDO error |
goal_eplSdoRdCon parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t sdoNr | number of SDO |
uint32_t flgError | errorflag, if zero sucess |
goal_eplSdoClosedInd - Connection closed indication
This function indicates, that a SDO connection is closed by the remote node. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplSdoClosedInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t node | node id of remote node |
GOAL_EPL_USER_T kind | kind of SDO (client or server) |
goal_eplNewPdoValueInd - User indication for new rxPdo values
The function is called by the plc driver when a new value of mapped object of a rxPdo is received. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplNewPdoValueInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t index | mapped object index |
uint16_t subIndex | mapped object subIndex |
uint8_t *pAddr | mapped object data pointer |
uint32_t size | mapped object data length |
goal_eplDllErrorInd - Indicate errors on the Data Link Layer
This function has to be filled by the user. It indicates a physical error on the ethernet bus on the propagation of the EPL frames and errors on the EPL Data Link Layer. The Errors are handled by the Library and the drivers itself. So, this indication is only an information for the user. On communication error the user should reset the application. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
The following errors are indicated by the DLL error code (as far as they are supported from the ethernet controller):
DLL error code | |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EPL_E_DLL_LOSS_OF_LINK | loss of link |
GOAL_EPL_E_DLL_BAD_PHYS_MODE | incorrect phys. ETH operation mode |
GOAL_EPL_E_DLL_MAC_BUFFER | MAC buffer overflow or MAC buffer becomes empty |
GOAL_EPL_E_DLL_CRC_TH | CRC failure threshold counter reached |
GOAL_EPL_E_DLL_COLLISION | collision detected (only reported, if supported) |
GOAL_EPL_E_DLL_LOSS_SOC_TH | Loss of SoC threshold counter reached |
goal_eplDllErrorInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t errorCode | DLL error Code |
goal_eplPdoErrorInd - PDO error indication
This function indicates, that a PDO error occurred. Based on the PDO number the user is able to appraise the error in detail. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplPdoErrorInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t pdoNr | PDO number |
uint16_t errorCode | error code |
goal_eplLedInd - Set POWERLINK leds
This function indicates, that the POWERLINK status or error indication led has to be changed. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T as result.
goal_eplLedInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_EPL_LED_TYPE_T ledType | LED type |
GOAL_BOOL_T flgLedOff | flag to set the LED off |
goal_soaInd - Update the transmit PDO data
This function updates the the data objects of the transmit PDO before the POWERLINK stack assembles the PDO object. No returns.
goal_soaInd parameters | |
Parameter | Description |