Application Programming Interface of cyclic data
This chapter lists the API functions that are provided by GOAL’s MCTC. Next to a short description and the presentation of the function arguments additional notes are given.
Handling these arguments is simplified in the code examples.
goal_miMctcOpen - Open and activate mctc instance
This function opens an mctc instance. This enables sending and receiving.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miMctcOpen arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_INST_T **ppInst | return handle |
unsigned int id | id of instance |
res = goal_miMctcOpen(&pInst, GOAL_ID_DEFAULT);
Remark: For compatibity reasons this function is also available as goal_rpcSetupChannel as part of the RPC api.
goal_miMctcCbRegReset - Register Reset Callback
This function registers a callback, triggered by MCTC when a reset is required. Multiple callbacks can be set, called one by another in order of registration.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miMctcCbRegReset arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_CB_RESET_T func | callback function |
res = goal_miMctcCbRegToutRx(appl_syncReset);
goal_miMctcCbRegToutRx - Register RX Timeout Callback
This function registers a callback, triggered by MCTC on receive timeout. Multiple callbacks can be set, called one by another in order of registration.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miMctcCbRegToutRx arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_CB_TIMEOUT_RX_T func | callback function |
res = goal_miMctcCbRegToutRx(appl_syncTimeout);
goal_miMctcStatusGet - get the MCTC status
This function gets the status of the MCTC instance.
Returns GOAL_OK if MCTC is ready.
Table: goal_miMctcStatusGet arguments
Arguments | Description |
unsigned int id | instance id |
res = goal_miMctcStatusGet(GOAL_ID_DEFAULT);
if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)){
goal_miMctcInstGetById - Instance Get By Id
Based on the instance ID, this function returns the assigned MCTC handle.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miMctcInstGetById arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_INST_T **ppMiMctcInst | [out] MCTC MI instance |
uint32_t id | MCTC MI instance id |
res = goal_miMctcInstGetById(&pMiMctcInst, GOAL_ID_DEFAULT);
goal_miMctcCfgTout - configure RPC timeout
This function sets the RPC timeout before creating a MCTC instance.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miMctcCfgTout arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint32_t timeout | MCTC RPC timeout |
A value of 0 disables the RPC timeout. This should only be uses for debugging. This function needs to be called before goal_miMctcOpen()
/* disable RPC timeout */
res = goal_miMctcCfgTout(0);
goal_miDmNew - New Instance
Creates a new GOAL MI DM instance. If ppMiDm isn't NULL the handle is returned.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmNew arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_T **ppMiDm | [out] MI DM handle |
uint32_t id | handle id |
unsigned int len | buffer length of DM |
const char *strDesc | description |
/* create a DM handle */
res = goal_miDmNew(&pMiDm, APPL_DM_ID, APPL_DM_BUFFER_LEN, "appl_dm");
goal_miDmGroupNew - Create a DM group
Creates a new group within DM handle. A group is used to keep partitions. If ppGroup is NULL no handle is returned.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupNew arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T **ppGroup | [out] group handle |
uint32_t idMiDm | MI DM id |
GOAL_ID_T idGroup | group id |
/* create a DM handle */
res = goal_miDmGroupNew(&pMiDmGroup, APPL_DM_ID, APPL_DM_ID_GROUP);
goal_miDmPartReg - Register Data Partition
This function attaches a new partition to existing one on the data buffer, named by DM handle ID. The partition is assigned to the named group.
GOAL logs the start position and length of a new partition to facilitate a review of data buffer configuration.
Note: Groups can only be created in the setup phase. If the memory allocation is already closed the call to goal_miDmGroupNew will fail if the group doesn’t exist.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmPartReg arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint32_t idMiDm | DM handle id |
GOAL_ID_T idGroup | group id |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
uint32_t lenPart | partition length |
/* register MI DM partitions */
&mMiDmRead, sizeof(APPL_MSG_T));
goal_miDmPartIdxReg - Register Data Partition
This function occupies a partition on the data buffer, at the index position. If it is already in use, an error is raised. The partition is assigned to the named group.
GOAL logs the start position and length of a new partition to facilitate a review of data buffer configuration.
Note: Groups can only be created in the setup phase. If the memory allocation is already closed the call to goal_miDmGroupNew()
will fail if the group doesn’t exist.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmPartIdxReg arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint32_t idMiDm | DM handle id |
GOAL_ID_T idGroup | group id |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
uint32_t lenPart | partition length |
uint32_t idx | partition index |
/* register MI DM partitions */
&mMiDmRead, sizeof(APPL_MSG_T), 0);
goal_miDmPartSizeGet - Get Partition Size
This function returns the size of a registered partition. If the partition handle is invalid or not active, 0 is returned.
Table: goal_miDmPartSizeGet arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
res = goal_miDmPartSizeGet(&mMiDmRead);
goal_miDmPartStatusGet - Get Partition Status
This function returns the status of a registered partition. If the partition handle is valid and active, GOAL_TRUE
is returned.
Table: goal_miDmPartStatusGet arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
GOAL_BOOL_T status; /* partition status */
status = goal_miDmPartStatusGet(&mMiDmRead);
goal_miDmSingleWrite - Single Write
Writing data to a single partition is done by this function.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmSingleWrite arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
uint8_t *pBuf | data source |
unsigned int len | write length |
res = goal_miDmSingleWrite(&mMiDmWrite, (uint8_t *) &msgData,
goal_miDmGroupPartWrite - Partition Write
Writing data to a partition is done by this function. The group has to be locked by goal_miDmGroupWriteStart()
before and released by goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd()
Warning: Writing to a single partitions write buffer isn’t thread safe if not locked by goal_miDmGroupWriteStart()
and goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd()
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupPartWrite arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
uint8_t *pBuf | data source |
unsigned int len | write length |
res = goal_miDmGroupPartWrite(&mMiDmWrite[cnt], &pData[cnt], len);
goal_miDmGroupWriteBufGet - Retrieve Direct Write Buffer
This function retrieve direct write buffer for access. The group has to be locked by goal_miDmGroupWriteStart()
before and released by goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd()
Warning: Writing to a single partitions write buffer isn’t thread safe if not locked by goal_miDmGroupWriteStart()
and goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd()
The content of provided pointer is uncertain. It is neither empty nor holding old data. Ensure to write the complete buffer, invalid data will be exchanged otherwise.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupWriteBufGet arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint8_t **ppBuf | [out] partition pointer |
uint32_t *pLen | partition length |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
res = goal_miDmGroupWriteBufGet(&pBuf, &len, mMiDmWrite);
goal_miDmGroupWriteStart - Group Write Start
This function locks a group of partitions on the data buffer for updating them. Unlocking the group is done by goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd()
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupWriteStart arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T *pGroup | partition group |
res = goal_miDmGroupWriteStart(pMiMctc->pGroup);
goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd - Group Write Start
This function unlocks a group of partitions on the data buffer. Locking the group is done by goal_miDmGroupWriteStart.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T *pGroup | partition group |
res = goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd(pMiMctc->pGroup);
goal_miDmSingleRead - Single Read
Reading the data of a single partition is done by this function.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmSingleRead arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
uint8_t *pBuf | buffer reference |
res = goal_miDmSingleRead(&mMiDmRead, (uint8_t *) &msgData);
goal_miDmSingleReadBufGet - Retrieve Direct Read Buffer
This function retrieve direct read buffer for access.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmSingleReadBufGet arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint8_t **ppBuf | [out] partition pointer |
uint32_t *pLen | partition length |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
res = goal_miDmSingleReadBufGet(&pBuf, &len, &mMiDmRead);
goal_miDmGroupPartRead - Get Group Handle by Index
Reading data from a partition is done by this function. The group has to be locked by goal_miDmGroupReadStart()
before and released by goal_miDmGroupReadEnd()
Warning: Reading from a single partition isn’t thread safe if not locked by goal_miDmGroupReadStart()
and goal_miDmGroupReadEnd()
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupPartRead arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
uint8_t *pBuf | data source |
res = goal_miDmGroupPartRead(&pGroup, &pData[cnt]);
goal_miDmGroupReadBufGet - Retrieve Direct Read Buffer
This function retrieve direct read buffer for access. The group has to be locked by goal_miDmGroupReadStart()
before and released by goal_miDmGroupReadEnd()
Warning: Reading from a single partition buffer isn’t thread safe if not locked by goal_miDmGroupReadStart()
and goal_miDmGroupReadEnd()
Multiple calls of goal_miDmGroupReadBufGet()
between the same goal_miDmGroupReadStart()
and goal_miDmGroupReadEnd()
correspond to the same process data image, i.e. the read data are consistent more than one read operations.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupReadBufGet arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint8_t **ppBuf | [out] partition pointer |
uint32_t *pLen | partition length |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | partition data |
res = goal_miDmGroupReadBufGet(&pBuf, &len, mMiDmRead);
goal_miDmGroupReadStart - Group Read Start
This function locks a group of partitions on the data buffer for reading them. Unlocking the group is done by goal_miDmGroupReadEnd()
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupReadStart arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T *pGroup | partition group |
res = goal_miDmGroupReadStart(pMiMctc->pGroup);
goal_miDmGroupReadEnd - Group Read Start
This function unlocks a group of partitions on the data buffer. Locking the group is done by goal_miDmGroupReadStart()
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupReadEnd arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T *pGroup | partition group |
res = goal_miDmGroupReadEnd(pMiMctc->pGroup);
goal_miDmGroupGetByIdx - Get Group Handle by Index
This function is used to get the handle of a group.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmGroupGetByIdx arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T **ppGroup | [out] group handle |
uint32_t idMiDm | MI DM id |
GOAL_ID_T idGroup | group id |
res = goal_miDmGroupGetByIdx(&pGroup, GOAL_MI_MCTC_DIR_PEER_FROM
goal_miDmInstGetByPart - Get Instance By Part Handle
This function is used to get the DM handle of a partition handle.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmInstGetByPart arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_T **ppDm | [out] MI DM handle |
GOAL_MI_DM_PART_T *pPart | part handle |
res = goal_miDmInstGetByPart(&pDm, mMiDmRead);
goal_miDmCbReg - Register Callback
This function is used to register a callback, informing the application about any new incoming or outgoing data. Setting a MI DM handle callback is preferred over setting group callbacks. By keeping the MI DM handle as NULL
, the callback is registered for a group.
Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T status.
Table: goal_miDmCbReg arguments
Arguments | Description |
GOAL_MI_DM_T *pMiDm | [in] MI DM handle |
GOAL_MI_DM_GROUP_T *pGroup | [in] MI DM group handle |
uint32_t typeCb | callback type |
GOAL_MI_DM_CB_FUNC_T funcCb | callback function |
void *pPriv | callback private data |
res = goal_miDmCbReg(NULL, pMiMctc->pGroup, GOAL_MI_DM_CB_READ,
appl_dmCbCyclicRd, NULL);
goal_miDmGroupPartsRemove - Remove all mapped partitions
This function removes the mapped partitions of a named group. Returns a GOAL_STATUS_T
Table: goal_miDmGroupPartsRemove arguments
Arguments | Description |
uint32_t idMiDm | DM handle ID |
GOAL_ID_T idGroup | Group ID |
/* remove all partitions from group */
res = goal_miDmGroupPartsRemove(APPL_DM_ID, APPL_DM_ID_GROUP);
- 1.1 goal_miMctcOpen - Open and activate mctc instance
- 1.2 goal_miMctcCbRegReset - Register Reset Callback
- 1.3 goal_miMctcCbRegToutRx - Register RX Timeout Callback
- 1.4 goal_miMctcStatusGet - get the MCTC status
- 1.5 goal_miMctcInstGetById - Instance Get By Id
- 1.6 goal_miMctcCfgTout - configure RPC timeout
- 2 DM API
- 2.1 goal_miDmNew - New Instance
- 2.2 goal_miDmGroupNew - Create a DM group
- 2.3 goal_miDmPartReg - Register Data Partition
- 2.4 goal_miDmPartIdxReg - Register Data Partition
- 2.5 goal_miDmPartSizeGet - Get Partition Size
- 2.6 goal_miDmPartStatusGet - Get Partition Status
- 2.7 goal_miDmSingleWrite - Single Write
- 2.8 goal_miDmGroupPartWrite - Partition Write
- 2.9 goal_miDmGroupWriteBufGet - Retrieve Direct Write Buffer
- 2.10 goal_miDmGroupWriteStart - Group Write Start
- 2.11 goal_miDmGroupWriteEnd - Group Write Start
- 2.12 goal_miDmSingleRead - Single Read
- 2.13 goal_miDmSingleReadBufGet - Retrieve Direct Read Buffer
- 2.14 goal_miDmGroupPartRead - Get Group Handle by Index
- 2.15 goal_miDmGroupReadBufGet - Retrieve Direct Read Buffer
- 2.16 goal_miDmGroupReadStart - Group Read Start
- 2.17 goal_miDmGroupReadEnd - Group Read Start
- 2.18 goal_miDmGroupGetByIdx - Get Group Handle by Index
- 2.19 goal_miDmInstGetByPart - Get Instance By Part Handle
- 2.20 goal_miDmCbReg - Register Callback
- 2.21 goal_miDmGroupPartsRemove - Remove all mapped partitions