Remote Procedure Call
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is the method of executing a functionality on a peer core. The core sending the request is called client and the core providing the procedure is called server.
RPC is an upper layer function of Micro Core to Core (MCTC) used to exchange low priority or non-time-critical data.
GOAL fragments big data automatically and observes the exchange of packets by sequence counter. Missing fragments are retransmitted multiple times to ensure that the peer core receives the complete message.
Description of RPC example application
GOAL provides a simple RPC application located in appl/00410_goal/rpc. It shows the basic handling of initialization, transmission and receiving. The application merges the client and server side of a communication.
For demonstration, the variable varA and variable varB are transmitted to the server for multiplication. The client receives the result as variable varC and checks it.
The code examples of the following sections refer to this simple RPC application.
RPC as client
First of all, the client creates a RPC channel handle by goal_rpcSetupChannel
during e.g. appl_şetup()
/* setup a channel for RPC init */
res = goal_rpcSetupChannel(&pHdlRpcChn, GOAL_ID_DEFAULT);
Afterwards a new RPC (transmission) handle can be requested by GOAL_RPC_NEW
. It contains an empty RPC stack, which can be pushed with data by GOAL_RPC_PUSH
calls the procedure at the server side by transfers the complete RPC stack to the peer core. After receiving a response, relevant data can to be poped from the RPC stack by GOAL_RPC_POP
Finally, the requested RPC handle has to be closed by GOAL_RPC_CLOSE
These steps are summary in goal_rpcUserFunction()
static GOAL_STATUS_T goal_rpcUserFunction(
uint32_t *pVarC, /**< sum C */
uint16_t varA, /**< variable A */
uint16_t varB /**< variable B */
GOAL_STATUS_T res = GOAL_OK; /* result */
GOAL_RPC_HDL_T *pHdlRpc = GOAL_RPC_HDL_NONE; /* call handle */
/* get a new rpc handle */
/* push the value of Var A */
/* push the value of Var B */
/* call the procedure at the server */
/* pop the value of Var B */
GOAL_RPC_POP(*pVarC, uint32_t);
/* rpc is done successfully */
return res;
RPC as server
The server registers a callback to an user function ID by GOAL_RPC_USER_REGISTER_SERVICE
/* setup the service function */
All received RPC messages are compared to the function ID and a module ID, triggering the callback on a match. The server has to pop the arguments from the RPC handle and calls the requested function afterwards. Ensure, that the arguments has to be poped in reversed from the RPC handle as the client has pushed them.
Pointer arguments expecting a return value, like exemplary variable varC, have to be pushed to the RPC handle for response.
The return value of the server callback function is the return value of GOAL_RPC_USER_CALL
on the client side, on a successful response transfer. Otherwise, the return value on the client side is a GOAL_STATUS_T
static GOAL_STATUS_T goal_rpcUserFunctionServer(
GOAL_RPC_HDL_T *pHdlRpc /**< RPC handle */
uint16_t varA = 0; /* variable A */
uint16_t varB = 0; /* variable B */
uint32_t varC = 0; /* result C */
GOAL_STATUS_T res = GOAL_OK; /* result */
/* pop the value of Var B */
GOAL_RPC_POP(varB, uint16_t);
/* pop the value of Var A */
GOAL_RPC_POP(varA, uint16_t);
/* call the server function */
if (GOAL_RES_OK(res)) {
res = goal_userFunction(&varC, varA, varB);
/* push the value of Var C */
return res;
Defines and prototypes of RPC
The defines are located on GOAL Media Interface MCTC header at goal_media/goal_mi_mctc.h.
Table: RPC defines
define | description | default value |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_HDL_CNT | RPC transmission handle count | 4 |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_XFER_SIZE | RPC transfer size | 32 |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_RPC_MAX_SEQ | maximum sequence | 10 |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_RPC_CNT_RESEND | resend buffer count | 1 |
GOAL_MI_MCTC_RPC_RECV_TOUT | receive timeout (in ms) | 10 |