Debugging and flashing Renesas RX72M CPU Card
In following sections are information provided about how to setup Renesas RX72M CPU Card board for debugging and flashing the GOAL software.
General documents about the RX72M CPU Card with RDC-IC are provided by Renesas.
Software requirements
Please make sure that the following components are installed on the computer.
Tool | Version |
Renesas e² studio | 2023-10 (23.10.0) |
Toolchain: GCC for Renesas RX | |
Please ensure to use the correct IDE and GCC version! If the any of the required software version is not available anymore at Renesas Website, please contact Renesas Support.
Hardware requirements
GOAL software is developed and tested on hardware revision RTK0EMXDE0C00000BJ.
Using another hardware revision is possible on own risk. Please note the changelog of the hardware in this case. The document is provided by the hardware manufacturer.
Board setup
The following figure shows the RX72M board with labeled parts for setup.
connect the USB cable to CN13 (USB mini B connector)
for debugging JP2/JP2 should be closed to use the E2 On-Board (E2OB) onboard emulator circuit
if JP2/JP3 is open it serves exclusively as a power supply and boots from the flash
Debugging RX72M with e2Studio
setup board
open an example projects in e2Studio
generate project content with Smart Configurator
right click on project → Build project to build the project
power up the board
right click on project → Debug As and select the debug configuration to download the project into RAM and start the debug session
Flashing RX72M with Renesas Flash Programmer
check if JP2/JP3 is closed
connect the USB cable to CN13 and a PC
File → New Project…
Add/Remove Files…
Add File(s)…
select mot-File
disconnect the power supply (CN13)
open JP2/JP3
connect the power supply (CN13)