Renesas Synergy (GOAL)
Version | Changes |
Initial release |
Formatting |
Removed ARIS board Add warning regarding folder depth on older windows versions Updated to current synergy development tools
Hardware Requirements
Make sure following settings are set:
J13: Connect “VCC33_Sockel” with “VCC33_RJ45”
J8: Connect “CS” with “PB2”
J7: Connect “RST” with “PD7”
Synergy Development Board S7-G2SK
Initial settings of the board are good for usage.
Connect both boards. Voltage supply is done through the shown USB connector on the development board, which also supports flashing and debugging of the synergy CPU.
Software Requirements
Development environment “Synergy”
The development of software for the AC requires an environment consisting of:
e2-studio of Renesas,
Synergy Software Package (SSP) of Renesas
The e2-studio is available on the web-page of Renesas. Version 7.5.1 was used within the scope of this Quick Start Guide. It can be obtained from this address:
The Synergy Software Package inclusive an installation guide and a documentation is also available on the web-page of Renesas. Version 1.7.0 was used within the scope of this Quick Start Guide.
The delivery consists of 2 files:
File | Content |
"2015013__V1_1_7_0__20191205__Renesas_Synergy_CCM_ci73" | Goal Library and Headers |
“" | Industrial Communication Explorer |
Industrial Communication Explorer
To use the PROFINET master functionality, WinPCap[1] needs to be installed.
Please unpack the delivery "iCommExplorer-*" to a local folder. The resulting folder contains the executable “mantool”, which can be started.
Prepare goal and project
Unpack the goal headers and library (2015013*.zip) to a local folder. This folder contains the goal library and the associated headers for synergy required to build an application for the irj45. Beside that example projects for e2studio are contained.
Import project
Use the import dialog of e2studio to import the project located in the unpacked project delivery into e2studio. Chose "Existing projects into workspace" when prompted for import type.
Older windows versions limit path length to 256 bytes. Thus please make sure that the installation file us unpacked to the root of a drive.
Select the root directory of the unpacked e2studio project for import and “Finish” import (see Figure 4 e2studio Import project dialog). There are several types of projects, which can be imported all or selectively.
Project Name | Description |
| Project for Target SYNERGY S7G2-SK board |
| Project for Target SYNERGY S7G2-SK board with Arduino shield board |
The projects with suffix _irj45shield include the necessary drivers for controlling the LEDs on the Arduino shield, however not all applications utilize those LEDs.
Before actually compiling a project, the necessary code generation step from the configuration.xml file must be executed manually.
To do so, open the configuration.xml file from your selected project by double clicking.
This step generates code for the required components from the SYNERGY BSP.
After importing the projects can be built. Use the project context menu, menu item “Build Project” to do so. As a result, a binary should be generated and the “Console” log should show the following text:
'Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Create Flash Image'
'Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Print Size'
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec "01_pnio_simple_io_lib.elf" "01_pnio_simple_io_lib.srec"
arm-none-eabi-size --format=berkeley "01_pnio_simple_io_lib.elf"
text data bss dec hex filename
149852 3824 282908 436584 6a968 01_pnio_simple_io_lib.elf
'Finished building: 01_pnio_simple_io_lib.siz'
'Finished building: 01_pnio_simple_io_lib.srec
09:38:10 Build Finished. 0 errors, 0 warnings. (took 5s.962ms)
Warning may occur regarding redefinition of the symbol TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND. This is caused by adding the source version of ThreadX to the application. This is required to get the required timer resolution of 1 ms and cannot be omitted.
If compilation fails, please make sure you followed step involving code generation from configuration.xml.
You will be prompted to select a debugging hardware. Choose „J-Link ARM“ for the Synergy Aris board.
Next you will need to choose the CPU. Please select „R7FS7G27H“, as this is the CPU on the board.
After initiating the debug session, the “Debug perspective” will be shown, where the application can be started by “Resuming” execution (needs to be done twice since there a two breakpoints automatically set on startup).
If the communication module was previously started up using another application, a manual reboot will be required of the module (reset button on the Arduino shield).
Industrial Communication Explorer
The Industrial Communication Explorer allows development related configuration and management of the application. This management is based on a UDP broadcast communication. Thus, it works independently from IP settings of the management PC and SoM.
This tool is organized in panels. The “Network Navigator” shows a list of available networks. The panel “Messages” shows information regarding actions. The panel “Outline” shows additional information depending on the selected function panel.
Following function panels are available:
Panel | Function |
EtherCAT Master | Provides simple EtherCAT master functionality. |
EtherNet/IP Master | Provides simple EtherNet/IP master functionality |
Exception Log | Shows error messages, which are saved in the non volatile storage of the communication controller. |
Device Log | Shows log messages of the running application from both communication controller (CC) and application controller (AC). |
Network state | Shows link state of the available network interfaces of the SoM. |
PNIO Master | Provides simple PNIO master functionality. |
ConfigManager | Provides access to the config manager variables of the SoM. |
Firmware Update | Allows update of the firmware of the SoM. |
Device Detection
At first a communication needs to be established with the SoM. Thus, connect the SoM to the network. Between the management PC and the SoM a network connection must be possible.
To communicate with the SoM, at first open the “Networks” list in the “Network Navigator”. Choose the network interface where the SoM is reachable. Then select the “Scan Network” button in the toolbar.
The following dialog appears and 1 found device will be reported:
As a result, a new SoM will be shown in the „Network Navigator“ within the scanned network.
Please select the newly found SoM for further steps.
With the selected SoM and within the “Device Log” function panel, it is now possible to read the logging buffer using “Start reading log”. For the demo application, it shows both the log messages from the communication controller (SoM) and the application controller (Raspberry Pi). Those can be distinguished by the “Source” column, which either shows “CC” ore “AC”. A successful started application reports a successful initialization of PROFINET:
[I| goal_miMctcLoop:499] running appl_setup
[I| goal_pnioNewAc:369] PROFINET Application Core successfully started
[I| appl_setup:226] Initializing device structure
[I| appl_setup:275] PROFINET ready
[I| appl_setup:281] Configuring DD
[I| appl_setup:309] DD ready
To stop logging push the button again.
Config Manager / IP Configuration
The function panel “ConfigManager” provides access to the config manager variables of the SoM (volatile and nonvolatile stored configuration variables).
To read a list of all variables, select the “Read configuration” button in the toolbar.
As a result, all variables with value are shown.
To communicate with the SoM, the IP address of it must be within the same IP network as the IP address of the Management PC IP address. Thus, choose a valid IP address and configure the SoM accordingly.
To configure an IP address, navigate to the variables of the “Module” GOAL_ID_NET. Make sure, that the variable DHCP_ENABLED is set to 0x00, as this option is prioritized. Now it is possible to configure IP, NETMASK and GW. Modify required values. Set the variable “VALID” to 0x01.
The Management Tool will show locally modified variables with a yellow highlight.
Those locally modified variables are downloaded to the SoM using the “Write configuration” button in the toolbar. When prompted if changed values shall be written, answer “Yes”. Afterwards the locally modified values are transferred to the SoM, where there are only modified in RAM. To make changes permanently, answer the following prompt with “Yes”. Modified IP settings are applicated after restart of the system (power cycle the Renesas Synergy/SoM).
Please start the example “01_pnio_simple_io” according to the previous description.
To establish a PROFINET communication, at first the SoM must be selected in the “Network Navigator”. Then select the PNIO Master function panel. At first use “Scan device” to detect the PROFINET device.
Use the “Wink” command to identify the connected SoM, which will be shown with a flashing “LED1” on the Arduino shield.
To establish a cyclic PROFINET communication use the I/O panel of the PNIO Master.
Please start the example “01_pnio_simple_io” according to the previous descriptions.
To establish a PROFINET communication, at first the SoM must be selected in the “Network Navigator”. Then select the function panel PNIO Master. At first use “Scan device” to detect the PROFINET device.
Use the “Wink” command to identify the connected SoM, which will be shown with a flashing “LED1” on the Arduino shield.
To establish a cyclic PROFINET communication use the I/O panel of the PNIO Master.
To continue, load the GSDML file provided with the distribution, located in “goal\appl\2015013_irj45\ac\gsdml\".
In the selector “Device Access Point” select “2-port Device”.
Afterwards press the “Connect” button. This button initiated a cyclic PROFINET communication.
If the cyclic connection failes, try to decrease the “Device Interval”. Take also a look at our Support Knowledge Base and FAQ.
The example application on the application controller will mirror the output data to the input data. I/O data can be manipulated and monitored in the I/O Data table. Beside that if a connection is established, the “LED1” Led on the Arduino shield will be enabled.
Process data can be monitored and manipulated using the “IO Data” panel.
Please start the example “02_eip_io_data” according to the previous description.
To establish an Ethernet/IP communication, at first the irj45 must be selected in the “Network Navigator”. Then select the “EtherNet/IP Master” function panel. At first use “Scan device” to detect the EtherNet/IP device.
To establish an EtherNet/IP communication with the device, IP settings must be set according to the previous description. You can verify the current settings using the Management Tool.
To establish a cyclic EtherNet/IP communication use the I/O panel of the Master.
Default settings are compatible with the example. Press the “Connect” button. This button initiated a cyclic EtherNet/IP communication.
The example application on the application controller will mirror the output data to the input data.
I/O data can be manipulated and monitored in the I/O Data tables. Beside that if a connection is established, the “LED1” and “LED2” Leds on the Arduino shield will both be green.
Please start the example “01_udp_receive” according to the previous description.
This example demonstrated networking from application controller. It provides a server, listening on IP address and port 1234 and 1235. It will mirror any data received on those ports using UDP.
Please note that this example overwrites any taken IP settings for demonstration purpose.
Please start the example “01_http_get” according to the previous description.
Once started this example will provide simple web server functionality. It will deliver a simple web site showing the version number of the irj45.
Please consider the correct IP settings. Those can always be checked and manipulated using the management tool.