PROFINET - Sample Projects

PROFINET - Sample Projects

The following chapter lists the PROFINET project directories and their usage.

Single-core projects (full source version)

  • projects\goal_pnio\* - single core projects

Single-core projects (library version)

  • projects\goal_pnio_lib\00_lib - single-core library

  • projects\goal_pnio_lib\* - single-core projects (requiring single-core library)

Multi-core projects (full source version)

  • projects\goal_pnio_rpc\00_goal_rpc - CC multi-core project

  • projects\goal_pnio_rpc\00_goal_rpc_demo - CC multi-core project (demo - 3h limitation)

  • projects\goal_pnio_rpc\* - AC multi-core projects (requiring a CC multi-core project)

Multi-core projects (library version)

  • projects\goal_pnio_rpc\00_lib - AC multi-core library

  • projects\goal_pnio_rpc\* - AC multi-core projects (requiring AC multi-core library and a CC multi-core project)

The PROFINET software is offered either in a full source or library version. Which projects are available depends to the delivered kind of version.

The library version is for demonstration purpose and has no feature restrictions but is limited to a total runtime of about 3 hours.

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