Conformance testing with ETS

Conformance testing with ETS

From ART v2.44 ETS(Embedded Test System) ist necessary for conformance testing of Profinet IO-devices. This document shows you how to perform testing with ETS.

1. Preparation of testing


  • TI TMDX654IDKEVM industrial development kit rev. 2.0

  • 24 V power supply for IDK board

  • SD card as boot medium for ETS: at least 8 GB

  • ANEL power outlet

  • Two Ethernet interfaces: one for connecting to ETS, the other for connecting to power outlet

  • Ethernet cable(s) to connect beween DUT ETS: by default 10 m, at least 2 m

  • Windows Machine


  • Micro-USB cable for ETS output

Please note that the ART v2.44 does not officially supported Windows 11 - from ART 2.45 Windows 11 will be supported. It is suggested that for ART v2.44 and v2.45 you take a Machine on which Windows 10 professional 64 bit 22H2 is installed. If on the machine 'WinPCap' is installed, please uninstall it.

There is corresponding fimrware for each ART version. The firmware can be found in the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Automated RT-Tester\EtsFirmware\ets.2.xx.y.z.img.xz

The firmware has to be written on a SD card by using 'balenaEtcher' or a similar tool.

The following diagram show how to connect between DUT and test system.

Figure 1. connection of DUT and test system

The IP address of the ethernet interface which is connected to ETS shall be set to and the netmask If a terminal emulator will be opened, the boudrate has to be set to 115200, data bits to 8, stop bits to 1 and parity to none. If DUT has 3 ports or more, the last port of DUT has to be connected to the Ethernet interface 3 of ETS.

2. Creating a ETS Device Project

  1. Turn on DUT and ETS and wait until booting is complete.

Figure2. Terminal Emulator: when booting of ETS is complete
  1. Open the ART tool and create a ETS Device project.

Figure 3. select menu item to create a ETS device project
  1. Project Settings: set name and path of the ETS device project.

Figure 4. Project Settings
  1. Power Outlet Settings: select the ethernet interface to the power outlet and set up the both IP addresses.

Figure 5. Power Outlet Settings
  1. Set up the DUT’s MAC address. It is suggested that you give here an arbitrary valid MAC address instead of pressing the button ‘Get Mac Address' to find the DUT’s MAC address.

Figure 6. Device Under Test Settings
  1. Select the GSDML file for DUT and insert modules into DUT.

Figure 7. setting up Slots and Modules
  1. Select the menu ‘Tools > Options' and press the button 'Get all Mac Address’ to find the MAC addresses of the device and all ports. If not all MAC addresses were detected, press the button again. When the MAC addresses were still not recognizable or the MAC addresses could not be detected, restart the ART-tool and try detecting the MAC addresses again.

Figure 8. Detection of MAC addresses for 2-port-device

3. Execution of test

When an ETS device project was created and set up, please check the indicator 'ETS Board'. If the indicator looks like a green check, the conformance test is ready. Please choose necessary testcases and push the start button.

Cation: according to ETS HW manual after 4 hours of operation the interface clock can jump. Therefore ETS should be restarted before 4 hours have passed. On the manual it is strongly recommended to restart ETS before each use.