General Integration Hints
MAC Address
when the configuration option for LLDP MAC address generation is enabled, MAC addresses for ports are calculated from the base MAC address
this option is enabled by default and can be disabled by (goal_pnioCfgLldpGenMacSet)
calculation of MAC addresses
MAC (device) = 0x02:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x01
MAC (port-001) = 0x02:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x02
MAC (port-002) = 0x02:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x03
NVS Storage
via PROFINET (DCP) values can be set in the device which optionally need to be stored permanently
to be conform to the PROFINET standard, this process needs to be executed timely and should not block normal device operation for more than 200ms
BACKGROUND: in the conformance test it is checked if a DCP set request is processed and answered within a time window of 500ms
Firewall Settings
GOAL PROFINET uses the following Ethertypes.
Ethertype | Description | Note |
0x0800 | Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) | only for GOAL managed TCP/IP Stacks |
0x0806 | Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) | only for GOAL managed TCP/IP Stacks |
0x8100 | VLAN-tagged frame (IEEE 802.1Q) | only if not removed by receive logic |
0x8892 | PROFINET Protocol |
0x88cc | Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) |
Table: Firewall Ethertypes
Additionally GOAL PROFINET uses the following UDP ports.
UDP Port | Description |
0x8894 | RPC port (34964, according to IANA) |
0xc000 | RPC responder port (49152, according to IANA) |
Table: Firewall UDP Ports
Memory Footprint on Platforms
STM32 with GOAL 2.25.2
Following Memory Footprints for STM32 Derivates with application goal_pnio/13_pnio_snmp
using GCC with Optimization (-O2) and without logging:
STM32F429 |
| used |
FLASH | 2 MB | 187 kB |
CCMRAM | 64 kB | 9 kB |
RAM | 192 kB | 177 kB |
STM32H723 |
| used |
FLASH | 1 MB | 200 kB |
RAM | 432 kB | 190 kB |
ARM Cortex-M3 Platform with GOAL 2.12
Memory Footprint (01_simple_io)
220 058 bytes of readonly code memory
69 079 bytes of readonly data memory
375 422 bytes of readwrite data memory (contains GOAL HEAP, thus not used 100%)
Memory Footprint (13_pnio_snmp)
275 816 bytes of readonly code memory
78 228 bytes of readonly data memory
420 413 bytes of readwrite data memory (contains GOAL HEAP, thus not used 100%)
GOAL heap (01_simple_io / 13_pnio_snmp)
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_TASK): 252 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_TGT): 17004 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_INSTANCE): 148 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_MA_NVS): 88 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_MI_NVS): 16867 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_MAIN): 124 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_DRV_NVS): 12 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_MA_SECTION): 64 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_DRV_SPI): 12 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_MA_SPI): 100 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_DRV_WD): 4 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_LOCK): 624 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_LOG): 5164 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_CM): 8284 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_QUEUE): 49960 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_LM): 60 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_STAT): 2388 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_ETH): 120 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_NET): 16 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_TMR): 1280 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_PNIO): 49368 Bytes
heap usage id(GOAL_ID_DD): 4 Bytes
memory allocation number: 568
memory allocation alignment overhead: 12
memory usage: 156964/259072 bytes
memory usage: (61%)
Certification Notes
During the Conformance Test the behavior of the cyclic data is checked in the
following situations:
PLC enters state 'stop'
AR is closed
This behavior must be defined in the device manual. If not changed, the GOAL
PROFINET stack handles the situations in this way:
PLC enters state 'stop'
Input data values don't change.
AR is closed
Input data values are not longer available in memory, zeroed values are