TI AM64X (in early development)
The TI AM64X was used with the TMDS64GPEVM development board.
A start to building custom firmware images can be found in the TI documentation. Both a custom image and a default image provided where used during testing. When building a custom image, include the PREEMT-RT patch and the iproute2 package. OpenSSH should be included for convinience.
Building the CC-Link IE TSN Remote Station Application
The application can be built with aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc.
Navigate to the project folder of a sample application, e.g. “projects/goal_ccl_ie_tsn/04_remotestation/gcc”.
Select the target platform (only required once)
make select
enter the number of “linux_ti_am64xx”
build sample application
The binary is located at
“projects/goal_ccl_ie_tsn/04_remotestation/gcc/linux_ti_am64xx/goal_ linux_ti_am64xx.bin”.
The file must be copied to the TMDS64GPEVM , e.g. via scp.
Debug Interface
A serial console is available on UART (J26).
Use the following parameters: 115,200 baud/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Preparing the board
The board needs to be prepared to use send queues for communication. The following script sets up the queues and disables round robin sending.
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth1 down
ethtool -L eth0 tx 8 # 8 send queues
ethtool --set-priv-flags eth0 p0-rx-ptype-rrobin off # disable round robin
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up
ethtool -l eth0
ethtool -l eth1
Note: Queue Setting and Round Robin deactivation affect all interfaces. All interfaces need to be down for this to work.
Execute the script:
Running a Program
To run a program, simply copy it to the board, make it executable, and run it with:
chmod 777 ./goal_linux_ti_am64xx.bin
./goal_linux_ti_am64xx.bin -i eth0
Note: the -i parameter defines the used interface. In the current version this has to be eth0.