Application Examples
Examples included in the stack delivery
example name | intended use |
01_master | a simple master device that is able to connect to two 04_remotestation devices
02_slave | depreciated |
03_master_ct | a complex master station example
04_remotestation | prepared remotestation software
05_remotestation_canopen | a remotestation with a CANopen object dictionary available with the CANopen access module |
06_remotestation_cca | a remotestation configured as conformance class A
available on request, not in standard delivery |
07_master_cca_ccb | a master expecting both conformance class A and B remotestations
available on request, not in standard delivery |
08_master_canopen_3axis_demo | a demonstration for a Mitsubishi 3axis servo
available on request, not in standard delivery |