TI AM64X (in early development)

TI AM64X (in early development)

The TI AM64X was used with the TMDS64GPEVM development board.


A start to building custom firmware images can be found in the TI documentation. Both a custom image and a default image provided where used during testing. When building a custom image, include the PREEMT-RT patch and the iproute2 package. OpenSSH should be included for convinience.


Building the CC-Link IE TSN Remote Station Application

The application can be built with aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc.

Navigate to the project folder of a sample application, e.g. “projects/goal_ccl_ie_tsn/04_remotestation/gcc”.

  •  Select the target platform (only required once)

    • make select

    • enter the number of “linux_ti_am64xx”

  • build sample application

    • make

The binary is located at
projects/goal_ccl_ie_tsn/04_remotestation/gcc/linux_ti_am64xx/goal_ linux_ti_am64xx.bin”.

The file must be copied to the TMDS64GPEVM , e.g. via scp.


Debug Interface

A serial console is available on UART (J26).

Use the following parameters: 115,200 baud/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.


Preparing the board

The board needs to be prepared to use send queues for communication. The following script sets up the queues and disables round robin sending.

#!/bin/bash ifconfig eth0 down ifconfig eth1 down ethtool -L eth0 tx 8 # 8 send queues ethtool --set-priv-flags eth0 p0-rx-ptype-rrobin off # disable round robin ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig eth1 up ethtool -l eth0 ethtool -l eth1

Note: Queue Setting and Round Robin deactivation affect all interfaces. All interfaces need to be down for this to work.

Execute the script:


Running a Program

To run a program, simply copy it to the board, make it executable, and run it with:

chmod 777 ./goal_linux_ti_am64xx.bin ./goal_linux_ti_am64xx.bin -i eth0

Note: the -i parameter defines the used interface. In the current version this has to be eth0.

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