Stack Configuration
This chapter lists all functions that are used to configure the EtherNet/IP stack. These functions must be called within appl_setup() before goal_eipNew() was called. Otherwise these functions have no effect. Each configuration has a default value that will be applied if no other value was set.
Set the Vendor ID of this EtherNet/IP stack instance. The vendor ID is assigned by the ODVA.
Default Value: 1114
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t vendorId | Vendor ID |
Table: goal_eipCfgVendorIdSet parameters
res = goal_eipCfgVendorIdSet(1114);
Set the Device Type of this EtherNet/IP stack instance. Valid values are defined by the CIP specification.
Default Value: 0x2B
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t deviceType | Device Type |
Table: goal_eipCfgDeviceTypeSet parameters
res = goal_eipCfgDeviceTypeSet(0x2B);
Set the Product Code of this EtherNet/IP stack instance. This value is defined by the device vendor.
Default Value: 1
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t productCode | Product Code |
Table: goal_eipCfgProductCodeSet parameters
res = goal_eipCfgProductCodeSet(0xABCD);
Set the Revision of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. The revision consists of a major and a minor number. It represents changes in the firmware that affect the device’s behaviour.
Default Value: 1.1
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t revMajor | major revision number |
uint8_t revMinor | minor revision number |
Table: goal_eipCfgRevisionSet parameters
Set the Serial Number of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This number is assigned by the vendor and should be unique for each device.
Default Value: 1
Parameter | Description |
uint32_t serial | Serial Number |
Table: res = goal_eipCfgRevisionSet(1, 3);
Set the Product Name of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This name is assigned by the vendor. Its maximum length is 32 characters.
Default Value: “EtherNet/IP Adapter”
Parameter | Description |
const char *strName | Product Name |
Table: goal_eipCfgProductNameSet parameters
Set the default Domain Name of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This name is used as the device’s domain name if no valid configuration was found. Its maximum length is 48 characters.
Default Value: “”
Parameter | Description |
const char *strName | default Domain Name |
Table: goal_eipCfgDomainNameSet parameters
Set the default Host Name of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This name is used as the device’s host name if no valid configuration was found. Its maximum length is 64 characters.
Default Value: “eipdevice”
Parameter | Description |
const char *strName | default Host Name |
Table: goal_eipCfgHostNameSet parameters
Set the maximum number of explicit Connections the device can handle at once.
Default Value: 6
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of explicit connections |
Table: goal_eipCfgNumExplicitConSet parameters
Set the maximum number of implicit Connections the device can handle at once.
Default Value: 6
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of implicit connections |
Table: goal_eipCfgNumImplicitConSet parameters
Enable support for Ethernet Link attributes 4, 5, 12 and 13. The hardware must support the appropriate counters.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgEthLinkCountersOn parameters
Enable support for Ethernet Link attribute 6. The hardware must support forced link speeds and duplex modes.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgEthLinkControlOn parameters
A change of Ethernet link speeds or duplex modes requires a reset of the device. The hardware must support forced link speeds and duplex modes.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgChangeEthAfterResetOn parameters
A change of the IP address requires a reset of the device.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgChangeIpAfterResetOn parameters
Set the number of Encapsulation sessions the device can handle at once.
Default Value: 20
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of sessions |
Table: goal_eipCfgNumSessionsSet parameters
This function is deprecated and has no effect. It is kept for compatibility with older versions.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
Enable the Run/Idle Header for consumed (Originator-to-Target) cyclic data.
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgO2TRunIdleHeaderOn parameters
Enable the Run/Idle Header for produced (Target-to-Originator) cyclic data.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgT2ORunIdleHeaderOn parameters
Enable support of the QoS object.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgQoSOn parameters
Set the number of Encapsulation messages that can be delayed at the same time.
Default Value: 2
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of messages |
Table: goal_eipCfgNumDelayedEncapMsgSet parameters
Enable the DHCP client if it is supported by the platform.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgDhcpOn parameters
Enable support of the DLR object. This feature requires the DLR stack and support of the hardware.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgDlrOn parameters
Enable support for Address Conflict Detection (ACD).
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
Table: goal_eipCfgAcdOn
Configure Fallback IP Configuration, if Address Conflict Detection (ACD) detects an address conflict. The device will apply the configured IP, if it’s configured as device with static IP. If attribute 3 of the TCP/IP Class is set to DHCP, the device will start the DHCP process after a fixed timeout.
Transit into error state and do nothing: pass ipAddress, subnetMask and gateway = 0,
Set fallback IP configuration: pass valid IP configuration.
Parameter | Description |
uint32_t ipAddress | fallback IP address |
uint32_t subnetMask | fallback subnet mask |
uint32_t gateway | fallback gateway address |
Table: goal_eipCfgAcdConflictBehavior