

The GOAL middleware is delivered as source code with the following directory structure:

Figure: GOAL directory structure

All descriptions in the manuals refer to this directory structure.

Applications (appl)

The directory appl can contain various applications. The user can add own application-specific files to each application.


Figure: structure of the directory appl

The code of the applications shall be hardware-independent in order to exchange the platform without changes on the application. Application-specific functions depending on the hardware shall be connected to the hardware platform via media interfaces and media adapters.
Application-specific functions can use the GOAL core modules. Public declarations and definitions of all GOAL
core modules are available by including the header file goal_includes.h.
The application …\goal\appl\00410\template belongs to the scope of the standard delivery and provides a template for own applications.

Platform (plat)

The directory plat represents the hardware platform and is divided in parts for architecture, boards and drivers according to the following structure:


Figure: structure of the directory plat

Details to special platforms are documented in the GOAL Platform Manual for the specific platform.

Projects (projects)

The directory projects are designed to take in the compiler projects, which connect all necessary GOAL components including the application. The recommended structure of the directory projects is shown in this Figure.


Figure: structure of the directory projects

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