Introduction - GOAL

Introduction - GOAL

About GOAL

GOAL is a sophisticated middleware to integrate real time communication in applications for industrial networking. GOAL connects extension modules, various operating systems and GOAL core modules with applications on different hardware platforms. The modular structure simplifies the development of embedded systems and makes the exchange of single GOAL components possible, for example the communication profile can be changed by the substitution of the extension modules with the suitable communication library.

Figure: components of a GOAL system

The GOAL concept differentiates between hardware-dependent and hardware-independent sections in order to make the exchange of platforms possible without the rearrangement of the complete embedded system.
This manual describes the GOAL components, the GOAL structure and the usage of GOAL. Platform-specific information are documented in the GOAL Platform Manual for the specific hardware.

How to read this document

Within the document, special recommendations are given marked by two signs:

Special information giving hints to avoid common pitfalls when using the software

Special information to prevent malfunction of the software or that require special attention of the user.

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