Setting up an EtherNet/IP Scanner

Setting up an EtherNet/IP Scanner

After downloading the software to the target platform, the EtherNet/IP sample application is ready to communicate with a Scanner (EtherNet/IP master). The provided EDS file eip_goal.eds helps setting up a cyclic connection.

This section will show how to set up a Rockwell PLC with the program RSLogix5000 (V20.01.00 (CPR 9 SR 5)). The user is expected to have knowledge about this PLC and RSLogix5000.


First a new project must be created for your PLC with the correct firmware version.


Figure: Creating a new project in RSLogix5000


In order to add the EtherNet/IP device to the project the EDS file must be imported. Open Tools -> EDS Hardware Installation Tool

Click “Next” then choose “Register an EDS file” and press “Next” again. Press the button “Browse” and open the EDS file found in one of the application directories. Simply click “Next” until the wizard is done.

In the Controller Organizer click the “Ethernet” branch with the right mouse button and select “New Module”.

You can find the device in the catalog by searching for “EtherNet/IP Adapter”. After selecting the device press the button “Create”.


Figure: registering the device as an EtherNet/IP device


Enter a module name and assign the IP address that was either given to the device by the DHCP server or that was configured as a static IP address.


Figure: setting name and IP address


Now connect your PC to the PLC and download the project to the PLC.

In the menu “Communications”:

  1. Set the PLC into prog mode

  2. Select the communication path to your PLC

  3. Go online

  4. Download the project;

  5. Activate run mode at the PLC


Figure: after loading the project into the PLC the “LEDs” should be green


If the connection between the PLC and the device is established the “I/O OK” must be green.

You can view and manipulate the cyclic data by pressing View -> Watch.

Select “Quick Watch” in the new window and add the cyclic process data to window. You have to look for the module name.


Figure: watch window to monitor the process data


The first byte of the input data represents the state of the target’s button. The first byte of the Output data is mapped to the target’s LEDs. You can manipulate the LEDs by changing the value of the first byte.

If the connection between the PLC and the device was established the “I/O OK” must be green.


Figure: Process Data of the sample application

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