Impementation guidelines

Impementation guidelines

Header files

A program using the CANopen Library needs the following include pathes for header files normally:

  • the path to the generated header files of the Industrial Communication Creator,

  • the path <installationPath>\canopen\include to the public header files of the CANopen Library,

  • the path <installationPath>\drivers\shar_inc to the public header files of the CANopen Driver,

  • the path <installationPath>\drivers\<adaptionPath>

Data types

All atomic data types used by the CANopen Library are defined within the header file co_type.h. In general this file is part of the CANopen Library interface headers, but some development environments define these types, too. Therefore it is necessary to overload this file by a co_type.h in your project include directory. The compiler’s search path has to contain your project include directory path before the CANopen Library include path. Then your co_type.h file (or any other name used) is the project-specific data type header file.


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