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An application for the OPC UA server is a GOAL application. It consists of three functions that are called by GOAL: appl_init, appl_setup, appl_loop.

Additionally, the application can register a callback that is called by the OPC UA Master stack to inform the application about events.

The function appl_init is used to register components in GOAL, e.g. the OPC UA server stack.

The actual initialization of the application happens in appl_setup.

The application must include goal_includes.h and goal_opcua.h.

Registration of the OPC UA Stack

Within the function appl_init the function goal_opcUaInit must be called.

    GOAL_STATUS_T res;                          /* result */

    res = goal_opcUaInit();
    if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) {
       goal_logErr("Initialization of OPC UA failed");

Configuration of the OPC UA Stack

The function appl_setup is called by GOAL during initialization. Within this function, all functions listed in this chapter can be used to configure the behavior of the OPC UA. All functions must be called before calling goal_opcUaNew.

All functions return a status code indicating whether the operation succeeded or not.




Enable support for the SecurityPolicyBasic256Sha256


Disable support for SecurityPolicyNone


Set the supported SecurityModes


Add the table with acceptable usernames and passwords


Set the size of the reception and send buffers


Set the maximum number of input arguments for methods


Set the maximum number of output arguments for methods

Creating a new instance of the OPC UA protocol stack

After the stack has been configured, the function goal_opcUaNew must be invoked to create a new instance of the protocol stack. It is also used to register a callback handler for processing events from the stack. The callback handler will be explained in detail in a later chapter.

    GOAL_STATUS_T res;                          /* result */
    GOAL_OPCUA_T *pHdlOpcUa;                    /* GOAL OPC UA handle */

    res = goal_opcUaNew(&pHdlOpcUa, GOAL_OPCUA_INSTANCE_DEFAULT, appl_opcUaCallbackExec);
    if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) {
        goal_logErr("failed to create a new OPC UA instance");
        return res;

This function creates a handle (in this example it is called pHdlOpcUa) that must be used for all other function calls to reference the stack instance.

Application Callback

During initialization, the application can register a callback handler with the function goal_opcUaNew. The callback handler uses the following arguments:

Argument data type



GOAL OPC UA instance


callback ID indicating callback type


  • callback data

  • array of unions

  • actual meaning depends on callback ID

Some callback ID also evaluate the return value of the handler to decide how to proceed.

Callback ID


Callback data

Return value


a node was created that is based on an application specific type

(id of current session)
(node id of object or variable type)
(id of created node)

GOAL_OK: accept new node

other: abort creation


a node was deleted that is based on an application specific type

(id of current session)
(node id of object or variable type)
(id of node that will be deleted)

don’t care


the value of a variable node is going to be read

(id of current session)
(node id of variable)
(numeric range if variable is an array)
(data value of variable, can be updated)

don’t care


the value of a variable node was written

(id of current session)
(node id of variable)
(numeric range if variable is an array)
(data value of variable with new value)

don’t care

The following listing shows how to handle a callback:

static GOAL_STATUS_T appl_opcUaCallbackExec(
    GOAL_OPCUA_T *pOpcUa,                       /**< GOAL OPC UA instance */
    GOAL_OPCUA_CB_ID_T cbId,                    /**< callback Id */
    GOAL_OPCUA_CB_DATA_T *pData                 /**< callback data */
    GOAL_STATUS_T res = GOAL_OK;                /* result */

    switch (cbId) {

        /* ... */

            goal_logInfo("Read access to Node %s", goal_opcUaNodeIdPrint(pOpcUa, pData->data[1].pVariableNodeId));
            if (GOAL_TRUE == goal_opcUaNodeIdCompare(pData->data[1].pVariableNodeId, &var01Node)) {
                goal_logInfo("Variable 01 is going to be read");
                /* increase value with each read */
                GOAL_htole32_p((uint8_t *) pData->data[3].pDataValue->value.pValue, var01);

        /* ... */

    return res;

Helper functions

The functions listed in this chapter are provided for convenience.




check if two node IDs have the same value


create a printable string of a node ID


create a printable string of a ByteString


find a node by reference and BrowseName


create a numeric node ID


create a String node ID from a String


create a String node ID from a char array


create a GUID node ID


create a ByteString node ID


populate a String with a char array


populate a QualifiedName with a char array


populate a LocalicedText with two char arrays (locale and text)


populate a Variant with a scalar value


populate a Variant with an array value


populate a Variant with an array value and its dimension sizes

Fieldbus Variable Mapping

The GOAL OPC UA stack provides functions that allow the mapping of variables from a fieldbus to variable nodes.

Each fieldbus must register a callback handler first. The fieldbus is identified by an ID that must be unique for each fieldbus. For every fieldbus that is supported by GOAL there is already a GOAL_ID_* value. The callback handler is called whenever a variable node that is mapped to a fieldbus variable was written. Additionally, a callback argument can be set that will be passed to the callback handler.

res = goal_opcUaFieldbusRegister(pHdlOpcUa, GOAL_APPL_FB_ID, appl_fieldbusVariableChangeExec, &fbHandle);
if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) {
    goal_logErr("failed to register fieldbus variable handler");
    return res;

For each variable that should be mapped to a variable node the function goal_opcUaFieldbusVarMap must be called. Each variable can be identified by up to three IDs. The meaning of these IDs is completely defined by the fieldbus protocol. For example a PROFINET variable can be identified by its Module ID and its Submodule ID and an index. An EtherCAT variable could be identified by an index and a subindex.

The data type of the variable must be specified. For non-numeric data types also the maximum size of the variable must be set. The node Id must reference a node that already exists.

    goal_opcUaNodeIdNumericSet(&var01Node, GOAL_APPL_NS_IDX, GOAL_APPL_VAR1_ID);
    res = goal_opcUaFieldbusVarMap(pHdlOpcUa, GOAL_APPL_FB_ID, GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR1_ID0,
                                   GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR1_ID1, GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR1_ID2, GOAL_OPCUA_DATATYPE_UINT16,
                                   sizeof(uint16_t), &var01Node);
    if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) {
        goal_logErr("failed to map fieldbus variable 01");
        return res;

Whenever a new value is received from the fieldbus the function goal_opcUaFbVarWrite must be invoked to update the value of the corresponding variable node.

    res = goal_opcUaFbVarWrite(pFbHandle->pOpcUa, GOAL_APPL_FB_ID, GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR1_ID0,
                               GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR1_ID1, GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR1_ID2, &pFbHandle->var01,
    if (GOAL_RES_ERR(res)) {
        goal_logErr("failed to update var01");

As mentioned above, the registered callback handler is executed whenever a value was written to a mapped variable node.

static void appl_fieldbusVariableChangeExec(
    void *pCbArg,                               /**< application specific callback argument */
    uint32_t fbVarId0,                          /**< fieldbus specific variable ID 0 */
    uint32_t fbVarId1,                          /**< fieldbus specific variable ID 1 */
    uint32_t fbVarId2,                          /**< fieldbus specific variable ID 2 */
    void *pData,                                /**< new fieldbus variable value */
    uint32_t size                               /**< size of new value (if non-numeric data type) */
    GOAL_APPL_FB_HANDLER_T *pFbHandle;          /* fieldbus handle */
    uint32_t cpySize;                           /* string copy size */

    pFbHandle = (GOAL_APPL_FB_HANDLER_T *) pCbArg;
    if ((GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR2_ID0 == fbVarId0) &&
             (GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR2_ID1 == fbVarId1) &&
             (GOAL_APPL_FB_VAR2_ID2 == fbVarId2)) {
        goal_logInfo("write access to variable 02: %"FMT_d32, *((int32_t *) pData));
        GOAL_MEMCPY(&pFbHandle->var02, pData, size);

    /* ... */

AddressSpace node creation

The stack provides functions to create new nodes in the AddressSpace. Each function expects a node Id that will be used for the new node. Furthermore, other node IDs are passed to indicate the parent node of the new node, the reference type between the parent node and the new node, the type node (for object, variable or variableType nodes). Each node must have a BrowseName and attributes that are specific for each node class. If the parameter pCreatedNodeId is not NULL, the ID of the newly created node is written to this handle.




create an object node


create an objectType node


create a variable node


create a variableType node


create a view node


create a referenceType node


create a dataType node


create a method node


create an additional reference between a source and a target node


add a property to a node

The function goal_opcUaNodeClassMethodAdd require additional arguments. A callback handler that is triggered whenever the method is executed. Additionally, the number and properties of input and output arguments.

Event handling

EventTypes are objectTypes that are subtypes of the BaseEventType or its subtypes.

The function goal_opcUaEventCreate is used to create events of a specific eventType. The function also sets the properties severity (1: notification .. 1000: catastrophe), message and source name. The function creates a new node. Its ID is passed to pEventId.

The function goal_opcUaEventTrigger is used to trigger the event that is specified by its node ID.

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