Figure 4 display the highlighted 9 pin connector J302 on bottom side of SoM_IoT_1V2 printed circuit board. This connector allocate the large-scale integrated circuit R-IN32M3-EC with external SPI and additional SYNC signals. Furthermore the power supply pins VCC33 and GROUND are connected on J202.
Pin 10 (P1ACT) offers ethernet port 1 activity indicator signal associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port RP04.
Pin 11 (P1LINK) offers ethernet port 1 link indicator signal and is connected with CATLINK1 signal for EtherCAT confirm indication requirements. This signals are associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port P05 and P07.
Pin 12 (P0ACT) offers ethernet port 0 activity indicator signal associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port RP02.
Pin 13 (P0LINK) offers ethernet port 0 link indicator signal and is connected with CATLINK0 signal for EtherCAT confirm indication requirements. This signals are associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port P04 and P06.
Pin 14 (VCC33) can be optional connected with external DC voltage source. The SoM_iRJ45 is specified for an input voltage range of 3,15V DC to 3,45V DC.
Note: Higher voltage (above 3.6V DC) at power supply pins may cause damage this module!
Pin 15 (CAN_RX0) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 0 (FCN0) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus reception input and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P53.
Pin 16 (CAN_TX0) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 0 (FCN0) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus transmission output and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P54.
Pin 17 (CAN_RX1) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 1 (FCN1) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus reception input and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P55.
Pin 18 (CAN_TX1) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 1 (FCN1) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus transmission output and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P56.