004 - uGOAL - Introduction
uGOAL describes a software package, which allows integration of the System-on-Module into applications without using a full GOAL framework platform. By stripping down the required dependencies from the GOAL industrial communication framework, integration is possible into a wide range of platforms from a simple ATMEGA 8-bit CPU with 2KB of RAM up to a linux PC.
uGOAL mimics the required functionality from the GOAL framework specifically needed by the application controller framework. It is configurable in different ways to ensure compatibility with a wide range of targets. Some of the GOAL functionality is not available, however the CCM specific examples for fieldbus applications can be reused mostly without adaption.
Following table shows which features are available for uGOAL and GOAL.
Feature | Remark | GOAL | uGOAL |
GOAL core framework | Basic GOAL core functionally as:
RPC wrapper functionality | RPC wrappers for:
The uGOAL based software delivery is API compatible with the GOAL based software delivery. Therefore all existing application and examples can be reused with minimal adaption. Thus the communication module user manual also applies to the uGOAL software delivery: iRJ45/SoM - User Manual.
Many examples are available:
├── 2015013_irj45
│ ├── ac
│ │ ├── 01_pnio_io_mirror
│ │ ├── 02_eip_io_data
│ │ ├── 04_pnio_validation
│ │ ├── 05_pnio_01_simple_io
│ │ ├── 06_eip_io_data_static_ip
│ │ ├── 07_pnio_dsn
│ │ ├── 08_pnio_01_simple_io_http
│ │ ├── 09_ecat_slave
│ │ ├── 10_pnio_process_alarm
│ │ ├── 11_firmware_update
│ │ ├── 12_ecat_validation
│ │ ├── 13_firmware_update_callback
│ │ ├── 14_ip_management
│ │ ├── 16_pnio_io_mirror_mrp
│ │ ├── 17_mbtcp_simple_io
│ │ ├── 18_opcua_basic
│ │ └── 19_opcua_extended
├── goal_eip_rpc
│ ├── 01_simple_io
│ ├── 02_dlr_dhcp
│ ├── 03_dhcp
│ ├── 04_parameter
│ ├── 05_acd_dhcp
│ └── common
├── goal_http_rpc
│ ├── 01_get
│ ├── 02_post
│ ├── 03_list_res
│ ├── 04_auth
│ ├── 05_template_cm
│ ├── 06_template_list
│ └── 07_template_table
├── goal_net_rpc
│ ├── 01_udp_receive
│ ├── 02_tcp_client
│ └── 03_tcp_server
├── goal_pnio_rpc
│ ├── 01_simple_io
│ ├── 02_io_demo
│ ├── 03_record_write
│ ├── 05_ioxs_states
│ ├── 06_apdu_status
│ ├── 07_alarm_button
│ ├── 08_dynamic_modules
│ ├── 09_busy_records
│ ├── 10_led_demo
│ ├── 11_multiple_write
│ ├── 12_diag_entry
│ ├── 13_pnio_snmp
│ ├── 14_info_set
│ ├── 15_config_set
│ ├── 16_device_name
│ ├── 17_process_alert
│ ├── 18_dyn_mod_postpone
│ ├── 19_subst_val
│ ├── 21_pnio_snmp_dm
│ ├── 22_process_alarm_buf
│ ├── 24_pnio_snmp_mrp
│ ├── 25_dynamic_modules_dm
│ └── gsdml
├── icc
│ ├── ecat_106
│ ├── ecat_64byte
│ ├── ecat_cia402
│ ├── ethercat
│ ├── ethernetip
│ ├── pnio_32modules
│ ├── pnio_iomodule
│ ├── pnio_slot2
│ └── profinet
├── ugoal
│ ├── 01_ethercat
│ ├── 02_profinet
│ ├── 03_eip
│ ├── 04_profinet_dyn_modules
│ ├── 05_ccm
│ ├── 06_ethercat_minimal
│ ├── 07_http_ip_management
│ ├── 08_pnio_max_data_rpc
│ ├── 09_pnio_io_mirror_new_api
│ ├── 10_ethercat_rpc
│ └── 11_eip_rpc
Examples from the 2015013_irj45
folder are derived from GOAL based examples. Additional description can be found here: iRJ45 / SoM - GOAL examples.
Examples under the ugoal
folder are developed with uGOAL in scope, thus they are generally more suitable for smaller targets (up to only 8kByte of RAM). Additional description can be found here: iRJ45 / SoM - uGOAL Examples.
Platform porting
The platform interface required for integration into an platform contains of the following functions:
Signature | Remark |
void plat_init(
); | This function is called upon start of the application. It is required to initialize the required hardware peripherals here:
int plat_spiTransfer(
const char *txBuf, /**< [in] transmission buffer */
char *rxBuf, /**< [out] receive buffer */
int size /**< size of valid buffer sizes */
); | This function needs to transfer the given data ( This function is called cyclically by the uGOAL framework. |
int plat_ledSet(
uint32_t state /**< led state field */
); | This function can be used to set LED states acquired from the System-on-Module, which may be required for some fieldbus protocol implementations. |
void plat_heapAllocDone(
); | This function is called when dynamic memory allocation is done. It can be used to evaluate the memory utilisation. |
GOAL_TIMESTAMP_T plat_getMsTimer(
); | This function needs to return the number of milliseconds from start of the system. It is needed for timed operations and timeouts. |
Following optional functions are necessary to support EtherCAT DC.
Signature | Remark |
int plat_eventRegister(
GOAL_BOOL_T flgAutostart,
) | This optional function registers a callback function for external interrupts used e.g. for EtherCAT DC. It also initializes the interrupts configured in the specific platform. |
int plat_eventEnable(
) | Enables the configured events. |
int plat_eventDisable(
) | Disables the configured events. |
The software delivery does not specifically consider issues of multi tasking systems. Thus if one wants to integration the code into a multitasking application, all uGOAL relevant functions should be concentrated and called from one single task. Data exchange with other tasks should be done in a protected way (locking, messages, semaphores, queues). This is not scope of the software delivery.
Following table shows the most important configuration options of the software. Those are defined with a default value in ugoal/ugoal_default.h.
Configuration | Default value | Description |
CONFIG_UGOAL_HEAP_BUFFER | 0 | By default uGOAL uses malloc for initial memory allocation. It can be forced to use a statically allocated buffer for initial memory allocation, if e.g. the underlying platform does not provide such functionality. In each case, behaviour will be the same. Only initially memory is allocated. During runtime of the application memory is static. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_HEAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT | 0 | With this option allocated memory hunks can be forced to a specific alignment. This may be useful for platform specific adoption. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_HEAP_BUFFER_SIZE | 0 | If the static memory buffer is enabled, with this option the size of the buffer needs to be defined. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_DATAMAPPER | 0 | The data mapper provides an abstraction of the cyclic data channel. If enabled, the RPC stack wrappers will map process data to this entity. Thus access to process data is convenient. Without the data mapper process data needs to be accessed within the raw SPI frame. Usage of the data mapper costs some memory. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_TIMEOUT_RPC | 5000 | This is the time (in milliseconds) before a RPC request is considered to be timed out. For debugging purpose this value may be set to 0, so a pause in execution of the application does not lead to communication errors. For production purpose this value is not allowed to be 0. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_TIMEOUT_MEDIA | 1000 | This is the time (in milliseconds) before missing communication on the SPI is considered to be a fault. For debugging purpose this may be set to 0, so a pause in execution of the application does not lead to communication errors. For production purpose this value is not allowed to be 0. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_INSTANCE | 1 | This option enables the optional support for instances of components in UGOAL. The data mapper and HTTP requires and automatically enables this feature. Otherwise it is not required, since it costs some memory. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_MAINLOOP_REG | 1 | This option enables support for registration of cyclic functions during the execution of the application. The data mapper requires and automatically enables this feature. Otherwise it is not required, since it costs some memory. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_LOGGING | 0 | This option enables UART logging. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_RPC_RB_SIZE | 274 | This option configures the size of an entry within the RPC ring buffer. It defines the maximum size of a RPC request. This value is optimized for memory footprint. Some applications may require larger values, if e.g. larger amounts of data are transported via RPC. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_RPC_RB_ENTRIES | 1 | This option configures the length of the ring buffer in chunks of CONFIG_UGOAL_RPC_RB_SIZE. |
CONFIG_UGOAL_RPC_HANDLES | 2 | This option configures the amount of available RPC handles. Each component (e.g. a communication Stack wrapper) requires a handle. One handle is allocated by the base system. |