



There are sources missing at the Synergy e2studio project

To compile the Synergy e2studio examples, please make sure that you opened the project "configuration.xml" file and generated the BSP code with the "Generate" button. This will create missing BSP source and header files.


SPI connection can not be established

Please ensure proper state of the Reset Pin of the SoM, controlled by the application controller. Also check the SPI communication using a logic analyzer or oscilloscope for valid CS and CLK. The SPI settings for the SoM are configurable - the default values and the timing are described here.

Timeouts occur during Debugging

If the application is paused (due to a breakpoint) while RPC requests occur, RPC timeouts will happen. Those are signaled with return value 0x800000AB (GOAL_ERR_TIMEOUT). Possibilities to disable the peer-loss detection, on both the SoM and the application controller, are described here.

Make sure to enable the timeout detection for productive code, else a loss of communication between AC and CC will not be detected as an error.

Cyclic connection can not be established

Please make sure you use the correct device description file fitting to the used application. Profinet uses provided GSD and EtherNet/IP uses EDS files. Usually, each provided application uses a separate file.

Additionally, EtherCAT devices must be flashed with the provided EEPROM image.

Profinet IO Module Consumer State stays bad

The Consumer States of plugged modules stay bad until setting an initial value. This is done using the API goal_pnioDataInputSet(...) after plugging the submodule.

Industrial Communication Explorer does not find the device

Please check the requirements for the Industrial Communication Explorer and the choosen protocol. A direct connection between ICE and device will also eliminate potential issues.

For EtherNet/IP devices, the connected interface must be located at the same subnet as the device.

For EtherCAT devices, the EtherCAT PLC at the ICE must be started.


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