This document describes the usage of a CC-Link IE Field Basic Slave Protocol Stack for GOAL. CC-Link IE Field Basic is abbreviated to CCLIEFB throughout this document.
Slave Stations
Using the GOAL CCLIEFB slave stack it is possible to setup a slave occupying 1 to 16 stations. Each station can be interpreted as a physical or virtual participant of the CCLIEFB network. To each of the stations there is a fixed amount of I/O data with fixed size, called Link Devices. I.e. to exchange more I/O data the slave may occupy more stations.
Table 3: Link Devices per station.
Link Device | Type | Size | Master access | Slave access |
RY | Bit Output | 64 bits (8 bytes) | write | read |
RX | Bit Input | 64 bits (8 bytes) | read | write |
RWw | Word Output | 32 words (64 bytes) | write | read |
RWr | Word Input | 32 words (64 bytes) | read | write |
Thisleadsto72bytesprocessdataforeachdirectionperslave,leadinguptoamaximumof1672=1152bytesper direction for a GOAl CCLIEFBslave.
For a slave containing more than one station the link devices sizes are multiples of the given sizes. E.g. a slave occupying 2 stations has 16 bytes RY data.
The meaning of each bit within the Link Devices is application specific, i.e. the protocol specifies the size of each Link device but the application decides which data points are actually used.
CSP Plus File
The CSP Plus file is the device description needed by a PLC to identify and to communication with a device. A sampleisgivenappl/goal_ccliefb.Thedeviceisidentifiedcompletelybythefields“VendorCode”,“ProductID”and “Version”.TheproductIDisalsoknownasModelCode.Thesevaluesmustbethesameasintheconfigurationofthe GOALCCSLIEFBslavestack.Attention:TheproductIDintheCSPPlusfileisastring,andmustcorrespondtothe configured product ID as a hexadecimalvalue