This chapter lists all functions that are used to configure the EtherNet/IP stack. These functions must be called within appl_setup() before goal_eipNew() was called. Otherwise these functions have no effect. Each configuration has a default value that will be applied if no other value was set.
Set the Vendor ID of this EtherNet/IP stack instance. The vendor ID is assigned by the ODVA.
Default Value: 1114
goal_eipCfgVendorIdSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t vendorId | Vendor ID |
res = goal_eipCfgVendorIdSet(1114);
Set the Device Type of this EtherNet/IP stack instance. Valid values are defined by the CIP specification.
Default Value: 0x2B
goal_eipCfgDeviceTypeSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t deviceType | Device Type |
res = goal_eipCfgDeviceTypeSet(0x2B);
Set the Product Code of this EtherNet/IP stack instance. This value is defined by the device vendor.
Default Value: 1
goal_eipCfgProductCodeSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t productCode | Product Code |
res = goal_eipCfgProductCodeSet(0xABCD);
Set the Revision of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. The revision consists of a major and a minor number. It represents changes in the firmware that affect the device’s behaviour.
Default Value: 1.1
goal_eipCfgRevisionSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint8_t revMajor | major revision number |
uint8_t revMinor | minor revision number |
res = goal_eipCfgRevisionSet(1, 3);
Set the Serial Number of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This number is assigned by the vendor and should be unique for each device.
Default Value: 1
goal_eipCfgSerialNumSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint32_t serial | SErial Number |
res = goal_eipCfgSerialNumSet(12345678);
Set the Product Name of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This name is assigned by the vendor. Its maximum length is 32 characters.
Default Value: “EtherNet/IP Adapter”
goal_eipCfgProductNameSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
const char *strName | Product Name |
res = goal_eipCfgProductNameSet("EtherNet/IP Adapter");
Set the default Domain Name of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This name is used as the device’s domain name if no valid configuration was found. Its maximum length is 48 characters.
Default Value: “”
goal_eipCfgDomainNameSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
const char *strName | default Domain Name |
res = goal_eipCfgDomainNameSet("");
Set the default Host Name of the EtherNet/IP stack instance. This name is used as the device’s host name if no valid configuration was found. Its maximum length is 64 characters.
Default Value: “eipdevice”
goal_eipCfgHostNameSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
const char *strName | default Host Name |
res = goal_eipCfgHostNameSet("example_device");
Set the maximum number of explicit Connections the device can handle at once.
Default Value: 6
goal_eipCfgNumExplicitConSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of explicit connections |
res = goal_eipCfgNumExplicitConSet(10);
Set the maximum number of implicit Connections the device can handle at once.
Default Value: 6
goal_eipCfgNumImplicitConSetImpl parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of implicit connections |
res = goal_eipCfgNumImplicitConSetImpl(10);
Enable support for Ethernet Link attributes 4, 5, 12 and 13. THe hardware must support the appropriate counters.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
goal_eipCfgEthLinkCountersOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgEthLinkCountersOn(GOAL_TRUE);
Enable support for Ethernet Link attribute 6. The hardware must support forced link speeds and duplex modes.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
goal_eipCfgEthLinkControlOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgEthLinkControlOn(GOAL_TRUE);
A change of Ethernet link speeds or duplex modes requires a reset of the device. The hardware must support forced link speeds and duplex modes.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
goal_eipCfgChangeEthAfterResetOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgChangeEthAfterResetOn(GOAL_FALSE);
A change of the IP address requires a reset of the device.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
goal_eipCfgChangeIpAfterResetOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgChangeIpAfterResetOn(GOAL_FALSE);
Set the number of Encapsulation sessions the device can handle at once.
Default Value: 20
goal_eipCfgNumSessionsSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of sessions |
res = goal_eipCfgNumSessionsSet(10);
Set the number of milliseconds of one tick. The stack uses a tick as the smallest unit of time.
Default Value: 10
goal_eipCfgTickSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint32_t ticks | size of 1 tick in ms |
res = goal_eipCfgTickSet(10);
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
Enable the Run/Idle Header for consumed (Originator-to-Target) cyclic data.
goal_eipCfgO2TRunIdleHeaderOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgO2TRunIdleHeaderOn(GOAL_TRUE);
Enable the Run/Idle Header for produced (Target-to-Originator) cyclic data.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
goal_eipCfgT2ORunIdleHeaderOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgT2ORunIdleHeaderOn(GOAL_FALSE);
Enable support of the QoS object.
Default Value: GOAL_TRUE
goal_eipCfgQoSOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgQoSOn(GOAL_TRUE);
Set the number of Encapsulation messages that can be delayed at the same time.
Default Value: 2
goal_eipCfgNumDelayedEncapMsgSet parameters
Parameter | Description |
uint16_t num | number of messages |
res = goal__eipCfgNumDelayedEncapMsgSet(2);
Enable the DHCP client if it is supported by the platform.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
goal_eipCfgDhcpOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgDhcpOn(GOAL_TRUE);
Enable support of the DLR object. THis feature requires the DLR stack and support of the hardware.
Default Value: GOAL_FALSE
goal_eipCfgDlrOn parameters
Parameter | Description |
GOAL_BOOL_T enable | enable or disable feature |
res = goal_eipCfgDlrOn(GOAL_TRUE);