Figure 4 display the highlighted 9 pin connector J302 on bottom side of SoM_IoT_1V2 printed circuit board. This connector allocate the large-scale integrated circuit R-IN32M3-EC with external SPI and additional SYNC signals. Furthermore the power supply pins VCC33 and GROUND are connected on J202With further development of Intelligent RJ45 Module, the SoM_iRJ45 supports additionally two CANopen ports. Both ports just offer the transceiver (TX) and receiver (RX) signals per port. For complete CAN connection, additional components are required. Following Figure 4 give an overview about the connection pins of J302. Subsequently all 9 pins will be described.
Pin 10 (P1ACT) offers ethernet port 1 activity indicator signal associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port RP04.
Note: Higher voltage (above 3.6V DC) at power supply pins may cause damage this module!
Pin 15 (CAN_RX0GPIO0) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 0 (FCN0) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus reception input and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P53.Port 5 Pin P53
Pin 16 (CAN_TX0GPIO1) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 0 (FCN0) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus transmission output and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P54.Port 5 Pin P54
Pin 17 (CAN_RX1GPIO2) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 1 (FCN1) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus reception input and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P55.Port 5 Pin P55
Pin 18 (CAN_TX1GPIO3) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 1 (FCN1) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus transmission output and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC Port P56.Port 5 Pin P56
Exemplary indicator signal connection for Link and Activity
The 4 defined indicator signals of J302 pin 10 to 13 are recommended to connect similar to the following Schematic 1. The value of resistance depends on used LED which are integrated in your Ethernet connector.