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Figure 4 display the highlighted 9 pin connector J302 on bottom side of SoM_IoT_1V2 printed circuit board. This connector allocate the large-scale integrated circuit R-IN32M3-EC with external SPI and additional SYNC signals. Furthermore the power supply pins VCC33 and GROUND are connected on J202.

Pin 10 (VCC33) and pin 2 (GND) should be connect P1ACT) offers ethernet port 1 activity indicator signal associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port RP04.


Pin 11 (P1LINK) offers ethernet port 1 link indicator signal and is connected with CATLINK1 signal for EtherCAT confirm indication requirements. This signals are associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port P05 and P07.

Pin 12 (P0ACT) offers ethernet port 0 activity indicator signal associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port RP02.

Pin 13 (P0LINK) offers ethernet port 0 link indicator signal and is connected with CATLINK0 signal for EtherCAT confirm indication requirements. This signals are associated with R-IN32M3-EC Port P04 and P06.

Pin 14 (VCC33) can be optional connected with external DC voltage source. The SoM_iRJ45 is specified for an input voltage range of 3,0V 15V DC to 3,6V 45V DC.

Note: Higher voltage (above 3.6V DC) at power supply pins may cause damage this module!


Pin 11 has chip select (CS) function for

Pin 15 (CAN_RX0) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 0 (FCN0) of R-IN32M3-EC Clocked Serial Interface H (CSIH) which works in Slave Mode at CSIH channel 0. The used chip select sink for this . This pin serve as CAN bus reception input and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC based module is Port P70, Port P71 drives permanently to GND level.Pin 12 connect the RESETZ ball Port P53.

Pin 16 (CAN_TX0) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 0 (FCN0) of R-IN32M3-EC. So an external reset signal can initialize the CPU core and the internal peripheral modules.Pin 13 complies the MISO function for SPI connection. This pin connect the serve as CAN bus transmission output and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC CSIH serial data output signal at Port P47 (CSISO0).Pin 14 complies the MOSI function for SPI connection. This pin connect the Port P54.

Pin 17 (CAN_RX1) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 1 (FCN1) of R-IN32M3-EC CSIH serial data input signal at Port P46 (CSISI0). Pin 15 complies the SCK function for SPI connection. This channel 0 CSIH signal connect the serial clock of This pin serve as CAN bus reception input and is connected to R-IN32M3-EC at Port P45P55.

Pin 1618 (CATSYNC0) connect Port P11 of R-IN32M3-EC and is able to use as GPIO or EtherCAT Sync0 signal connection.Pin 17 (CATSYNC1) connect Port P10 CAN_TX1) is directly connected with CAN Controller Channel 1 (FCN1) of R-IN32M3-EC. This pin serve as CAN bus transmission output and is able to use as GPIO or EtherCAT Sync1 signal connection.Pin 18 (CATSYNC1) connect Port P10 of connected to R-IN32M3-EC and is able to use as GPIO or EtherCAT Sync1 signal connectionPort P56.