This depends on the used platform and GOAL or uGOAL configuration. uGOAL reserves a large memory block for it's heap implementation, which is configured at compile time usingCONFIG_UGOAL_HEAP_BUFFER_SIZE
platform | example | w/o optimization | w/ optimization |
STM32F429zi with GOAL | Profinet 01_pnio_io_mirror | ROM: 230 kB | ROM: 180 kB |
STM32F429zi with uGOAL | Profinet | ROM: 132 kB | ROM: 125 kB |
Is an operating system required?
No, the software packages for the application controller operates with or without an operating system. The example code for the Synergy S7G2-SK uses ThreadX operating system. The example code for the STM32F4 CPU does not use an operating systemsoftware delivery does not specifically consider issues of multi tasking systems. Thus if one wants to integration the code into a multitasking application, all uGOAL relevant functions should be concentrated and called from one single task. Data exchange with other tasks should be done in a protected way (locking, messages, semaphores, queues).
Does the software package implement a watchdog functionality?
If the switch between static IP configuration and DHCP fails after reboot, please check the follow CM variables using the Industrial Communication Explorer:
Module ID | Variable ID |
To disable DHCP, set the variable DHCP_ENABLED to 0. Make sure variable VALID is set to 1. Upload these settings to the module and save those values permanently. After a reboot DHCP should be disabled.